Chapter 1

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Authors note: I have neen planning  and hoping to get my ideas out there and xXBob FramashXx told me about this app and I must thank my best friend for helping me and me helping him with the ideas of this story, hope you like It

     It started as any other day, almost no cloud in the sky, looking down at the rippling pattern of the sea below my feet and then at the pinkish blue mish mosh of colors over the horizon, thinking about dad. “Hunter,” called Libra, her white dress waving in the wind, golden blond hair glimmering, blue eyes and golden halo shining, actually almost blinding, actually alm-....

    “Oh God!!” I shouted, my eyes stunned.

    “Hunter, don’t look directly at the halo’s light,” Libra said.

    “Sorry mom,” I said rubbing my eyes, a bluish green pigment burned into my retina.

    “It,s almost time for bed,” mom said, “Don’t forget you’re getting a private teacher tomorrow”

    Oh my gosh, I’d almost forgot, “Okay, I'll go right now,” I tripped several times heading to my sleeping space, still partially blinded, good thing I was still on the clouds and not in heaven yet.

    “Be careful,” mom giggled.Then I was off to bed.

    As I woke up in the morning I rushed to get ready, getting my hair done( Angels in training had to put their hair into pony tails), getting on my tunic, I grabbed my cross and put it in my satchel, and played my phone, waiting for my teacher to arrive. I waited for an hour, at least, then finally something sounded the entrance buzzer, a buzzer that people pushed for permission to come in, ”That must be him,” I said excitedly, so I ran to the entrance, opened it, but it wasn’t at all what I was expecting. A tall, dark suited man was standing at the entrance, and his presence alone made me quiver in fear, I looked up and saw a deep scowl full of hate, I looked up a little bit more, and I couldn’t believe it “Oh…” I stood there quaking with fear, “Oh God!” Under his dark gray hair laid his left eye, but the right was unmasked. I looked at the piercing glowing eye.”Demon!” I shouted, “DEMON!!!” I couldn’t believe it, mom said demons weren’t allowed up here unless they had an angels approval, then I realized he was trying to say something but I couldn’t hear him over my ear piercing, girlish shriek. I couldn’t think of anything to do so I ran, until I realized that I hadn’t activated my powers, and fell straight through the clouds.I was plummeting towards the blue, and suddenly frightening, sea. I looked up at the demon, he had smiled at me then morphed into a flock of crows, and before I knew it I blacked out, and I was plummeting towards the ocean.

    “Huh, wh- where am I?” I woke up, laying upon a bed of golden dirt, I looked forward and saw a big green wall of vegetation, ”Guess there’s only one way through.” I started through the trees and found a small body of water, as murky and as dirty as it was, I wanted to take a dip. When I entered, it felt so warm and cozy, and the best part was there was little animals, then I saw the cutest thing ever, it was a small green animal covered by a greenish brown shell,”Oh my gosh, you’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, I’m going to name you… Hmm,” I started to think a little bit,”Ah I’ve got it, Bartholomew.” Then I heard a small noise to my right, "Stay safe," I stuffed Bartholomew in my satchel."Who´s there?"

    "Ahh!", shouted the Demon,"Get over here! #no reference," I got out, grabbed my stuff, and bolted," you can't run forever!"

    "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed.

    "God you're annoying!" the demon said to put me down.

    He chased me and chased me, until the end of the forest, then he somehow dissapeared, so I walked a little bit farther, and found one of the many villages of the middle kingdom,"Whoa, this is amazing," I looked around in awe, all the bright colors and signs, then I found a building to disguise me from him. I found an orange white striped hoodie, blue sweat pants, and a blue hat, BLUE!,"Ha! He´ll never notice me in this," then walked out the building.

    "Hey! Are you gonna pay for those" a man at the desk said, I looked at him confused, ”You know with money.”

    “What’s money?” I said unknowing of the customs of the middle kingdom.

    “ That's it,” he said angrily,”I’m calling the poli-”

    He was cut off when the demon came crashing through the roof. ”He’s mine” the demon said, breaking both the man's legs, and throwing the man against the wall, knocking him unconscious, ”Told you you can’t run forever,” he shouted across the room with an evil grimace. I threw the hard shelled Bartholomew at the demon as hard as I could, bouncing off through the window to distract him. Again the only thing I could do was run. As I ran down the big black path picking up my pet, still running until I came across another building with a big sign spelling out L-I-B-R-A-R-Y, I ran up to the door and pushed for dear life, I kept pushing and pushing, but it didn’t budge, I turned around and saw he was almost here. Paralyzed with fear, knowing I was about to die, I could only look at the door, mocking me, then I looked at the sign, PULL NOT PUSH. Filled with relief, I rushed in,but I wasn’t quite safe yet, he grabbed my left arm, the demon had my left arm!

    “You’re not off the hook yet,” said the demon obviously annoyed with me. And before I knew it he tugged so hard, it ripped my left arm right out of its socket.

    “ hehe,” I chuckled, “That’s kind of funny, you ripped my left arm right out o-,” then the pain hit me,”AHHHHHHH!”

    “That’s right, notice it,” he said, ”notice the pain,” then as my arm aching, I knew I was screwed, he hit me so hard in the stomach, I felt as if I was going to throw up a tsunami, I went flying through a wall at the other side of the building. I landed in an alley behind the building, he had chased me to the back of the alley, my left arm reduced to bloody nub, I kept crawling deeper into the alley hopeless to escape, I looked up at his one red glowing eye, then something poked my butt, then I remembered.

    “My cross!,” it was in my satchel the whole time, I ripped it out of my brown satchel, “The Power Of Christ Compels You!!.” Light shot from it aggressively, blinding him, which gave me just enough time to get up, and escape, ”Demon!” I shouted, running out the alley.

    “Wait,” he said, getting up,”Hunter stop.”

    “How do you know my name?”

    “I’m your teacher,” he said blinded, talking to a wall and not me,”And you’ve passed the first test, surviving a demon attack.”

     “And, my arm?!” I asked alarmed.

    “If we can find it, I can fix it.”

    So we found my arm and ( he told me he was a Fallen Angel,not a demon, so I nicknamed him Fallen) put it back on and made it fully functional again.

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