Chapter 15

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     He approached me with his scythe dangerously close to my face. He made a little slot on my left cheek. "How would that feel in about 5000 more places?" He gave a smirk with his mask moving as if it were a part of his face.

     "Who are you people?" I yelled at the five robed men, "and why did you bring me here?"

     "First," he slot my face twice, " you're starting to annoy me with all these questions, but you can have answers. We are the pentagram," the men took off there hoods, and started naming them from left to right. "Pain, Rejection, Failiure, Hate," Pain had black hair; scars, stitches, and piercings covered his face; he had an eye-patch nailed over his right eye. Rejection was a smaller slim girl with sad eyes forcing a gloomy expression, with dark purple hair. Failure was a tall man, dark blue hair that covered his eyes, with an expression of pure disgust. And Hate, he was a man with blood red hair, dark red eyes, a piercing on his left ear, and an expression like he was going to jump on me and strangle me to death. He was slightly scarier than Alexis. "And me, Death!!"

     "How come you only explain yourself with enthusiasm?" Failiure mumbled.

     "Yeah?" Rejection agreed.

     "I'm your DAMN boss!!" Death yelled and smacked the two of them to the ground. "Anyways, why are you here you ask? Lucifer has been looking for a halo like the one you had on in the forest, I'd like to see it again. The halo was also why I was targeting that little girl. We need one for our latest operation."

     "So if I die you will fail, so therefore you can't kill me." I said.

     "Good job!" He chuckled, "you do have somewhat of a brain." He kicked me hard in the chest, I couched up a little blood, I looked down at my blue( now mostly stained red) tee-shirt, remembering that I had friends.

     "Fallen will come for me," I said and looked down, "eventually."

     "I doubt tha-" BOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! He was cut-off by an explosion coming from the wall to my left, well it really wasn't a wall now. Death fell to the ground and nocked his mask off returning his cloak to it's original color. As the dust cleared I saw fallen with my arm and Liv with a hand grenade in her right hand, Peggy, Kiroko, and Alexis were standing behind them.

     "Get out ya WEEB!!!" Liv screamed as I ran toward the minaicle girl. I jumped, toward her attempting to hug her. She stabbed me in the stomach with a spork. "What are you, freaking straight?" She joked, as we ran out of the crazy cave.

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