Chapter 12

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     I tried to stop the blood flow as I sat on the ground, rather being dead than facing this pain. Liv was on the ground screaming with laughter, Fallen right beside her. It felt like my arm was burning in a bon-fire. "Who are you?" I asked the girl.

     "My name is Alexis," she told me, "I wish I could stay here and rip some more of your limbs off, but I have something more important to do."

     "Not so fast," a firmiliar voice exclaimed." A Red cloaked figure jumped from a nearby tree. IT WAS KIROKO!! "I've heard you're the strongest foe I can face." I picked up my severed left arm and started to wave, feeling waving.

     "Hiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!" I croaked, my voice cracking, "I still remember you."

     "Oh god," he said disappointed, "why the hell are you guys here?" Kiroko asked.

     "Because we'd like to meet someone with at least half a brain." Liv said. I don't know if she was talking about me or Fallen. Oh hey, my left arm's gone.

     "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!" I screamed.

     "Hey away I need to get passed." Alexis said. "Get away." She demanded.

     "Not without a fight." Kiroko confidently smirked.

     "Ahhhhh!!!!" This time the scream wasn't mine. It came from inside of a forest. Alexis punched Kiroko in the stomach and elbowed him in the nose.

     "I'M COMING PEGGY!!!!" Alexis screamed as she started to run with a worried face. Kiroko groaned as he picked himself up off the ground. We all took off after Alexis through the Forrest. She continued through toward a small cabin. "Hang on Peggy!" As we approached the cabin I saw a tall black figure trying to enter the cabin.

     "Come out!" The figure said, "I want your pet!!" He chuckled maniacally.

     "No you can't have him," cross a girlish voice, I'm guessing was Peggy.

     "HOLD ON!!!!" Alexis screamed, as she lunged at the black figure. She pulled a blood stained iron short sword and attacked the figure. The black thing grabbed her sword and threw her away. I grabbed my cross and unveiled my angel form, the light alone blinded him and made him form into a more humanoid form. He looked about 16, and was wearing a red cloak but with a pentagram on his back. He has red hair and eyes exactly like Fallen's.

     "Fine," the figure said with a grin, "I'll find you guys again." He said and warped away into nowhere. We all ran into the house to see Peggy and her "Pet".

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