Chapter 13

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     We all entered the cabin at almost the same time, I couldn't really see anything because I was in the back of the crowd. "Is pinky safe?" I heard Alexis ask, "Did they hurt him?"

     "No," Peggy responded, "he's alright." As the crowd started to split I caught a glimpse of Peggy. She was a girl, about 12 or 13, with a unicorn hoodie, pink skirt, and a halo, I haven't seen a holy sence we've came down here. And Peggy was trying to calm a baby unicorn? My eyes didn't lye to me, it was a trembling little ball with a horn, and white fur with a rainbow mane.

     "May I ask what just happened?" I asked.

     "And how are you a holy?" Fallen asked Peggy.

     "Why shouldn't she be a holy?" I asked.

     "Libra and Sagittarius were the only Zodiac's who were holy," Fallen explained, "God doesn't like it when people show true rage, and all the Zodiac father's showed that trying to protect there children. But God took liking to the female Zodiac's, and let things slide with them. But something happened to Sagittarius a long time ago, so the only holy that should be down here is you hunter."

     "Oh," Alexis started, "I found Peggy in the forest, being hunted by demons and unholy's. Mostly that one that we saw, the shadow monster." Fallen looked sort of spaced out, like he was thinking about something, "they keep asking for Pinky."

     "Her unicorn?" Kiroko asked, "Why that of all things."

     "Unicorn blood is a very powerful substance," Fallen joined in again, "there arn't many left on this planet."

     "I don't want them to hurt pinky." Peggy started to tear up.

     "They're not gonna as long as I'm here," Alexis tried calming her, "I'll beat the crap out of them." Peggy started to laugh a little bit.

    "We should probably find a new base of operations." Fallen said.

     "Who ever said we were partner's." Alexis argued.

     "Think about it," Fallen started to make a point, "If you stay here they already know where you live, but if we group somewhere else, it will be harder for them to find us, plus Pinky will have more protection."

     "I want to go with them." Peggy told Alexis, "hear that Pinky you'll be safe." Pinky closed his eyes and stuck his toung out with a smile, like this (  P.

     "Fine," she came to finally, "Only because Peggy wants to." After that she sort of mumbled something like 'plus your kinda hot'.

     "We'll sleep here tonight and head out tomorrow morning." Fallen declared. And we all found a place to sleep.


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