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"some girl was annoying me so i broke her lock, put her text books in the fountain, may or may not have put a dead rat in her bag but the one that got me caught was when i was about to put a mouse trap on her seat, then the teacher just had to walk in at that moment."

lisa said all that with such ease as if it wasn't a big deal. the three girls gawked at her looking shocked and chaeyoung feeling a tad bit afraid now of her.

"wow i wonder what she had done to deserve all that. probably nothing. as you clearly love to annoy and bother those who had done nothing to you." chaeyoung spoke with a smug look.

lisa scoffed and moved her face closer to chaeyoung's, "look princess you know nothing at all, so shut the fuck up."

chaeyoung backed away and rolled her eyes.

jennie decided to speak up after a while, "please i'm begging you, don't get into another fight so that it will result in more time in detention."

chaeyoung sighed but silently also agreed. she did not want to spend more time in the clustered room with the other girls.

"hey nerd!" when that didn't get jennie's attention she called, "fine! her jennie!" lisa called out.


"why are you here in detention?"

"none of your business."

"oooh feisty okay. i see how it is."

lisa got up from her seat and approached the studying girl. she grabbed her textbook and put it behind her back.

"what the hell is your problem!?" she attempted to reach for her book back but only failed.

lisa dodged each movement of jennie's.

"look i'll happily give it back if you tell me your reason for being here. i'm curious."

jennie threw her arms down in defeat and sighed.

"okay fine whatever. then you have to give it back. okay?"

"okay! yay!" lisa clapped in excitement.

"it's really nothing. just because i'm late a lot of days and i- i..."

"you...?" lisa trailed on for her to continue.

"i was caught cheating on the last test, and- " jennie whispered but clear enough for them to hear.

she dropped her head down in shame and guilt welled up within her. she hated admitting she did such a thing.

it was a minor test, but that didn't stop the teachers from calling her parents. she tried begging them not to but they refused. when her parents found out, it wasn't a pretty sight especially the next day whenever someone took a glimpse of jennie's face and body.

jennie shivered at the horrid memory and closed her eyes painfully trying to block out the memory of the strings of curses and profanities that left her parents mouth when they found out. the pain they gave was even worse.

jennie fell to the ground, breaking down.

the atmosphere changed drastically as jisoo, lisa and chaeyoung eyed her with pity.

they had little to no clue what was happening but they didn't question.

jisoo ran up to the girl on the floor and rubbed her back.

"i-it's okay..."

jennie wiped her tears furiously and abruptly got up.

"i'm sorry, lets just pretend you never saw that." jennie hiccuped and returned to her seat.

lisa carefully placed the text book back on her desk and looked at her one last time before walking away.

chaeyoung shot lisa a wtf face and lisa returned with a shrug.


as y'all can tell i'm not the descriptive type of writer i'm more of a dialogue type of writer (: & random update bc i felt like it mwahah- pls vote and comment im thirsty for them (;

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