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"don't be so shy jennie. make yourself at home." chaeyoung giggled at jennie's shy and awkward state.

jennie eyed the mansion in awe. white marble floors, marble walls, rich leather couches- everything just caught the poor girl off guard.

"i knew you were rich but not this rich, jesus." jennie told her.

"by the way thank you so so so much for letting me stay. i must be such a burde-"

chaeyoung intervened, "no nonsense! i'm actually quite happy someone's staying with me. i missed people's company." she admitted.

jennie smiled softly at her friend and chose to embrace this new feeling of happiness which felt all too surreal for her.

is she really doing this?  jennie thought.
running away. for good?

jennie shook her head at the thought. no, she is still indecisive.

chaeyoung held the girls hand and led her up the spiral steps. each step leaving jennie excited to see what else the mansion had to show off upstairs.

and not to jennie's disappointment it was just as grand or if not even better than what below has shown.

numerous hallways to leave you confused and lost with many doors leading to different rooms. in other words it was a god damn fancy maze.

jennie rolled her luggage as chaeyoung continued to hold her hand and lead her to a double door room. nayeon the maid bowed down at the girls and opened the door to reveal a spotless master grand bedroom. double king sized mattress, silk sheets and vintage designed furniture laid out neatly in her room.

it was all aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

jennie was caught up in the amazement that room had to offer that she didn't notice chaeyoung waving her hands in front of her face.

"hello? you alive jennie?" chaeyoung poked her cheek which caused jennie to fall out the daze.

"oh yeah aha sorry, i'm just caught off guard. everything is so- so amazing." *says in yugyeom's voice*



oh man. i'm nervous. like super nervous.

how am i meant to say shit to chaeyoung. my enemy or more like it, frenemy.

i'm about to ask her for a huge favor and i'm sweating waterfalls. when i say huge i mean huge, like mt everest huge. after annoying the shit out of her for a couple weeks i don't know how i have the balls to ask such a question.

okay i'm gonna explain.

last night my dad explained to me about his new job. he's going back to his home country (my background), thailand, as he got a job as an esl teacher there to teach those who want to learn korean.

he'll be gone for nine months. he says he wants to start fresh and make money to support the both of us. he says the job pays well and well who am i to stop him. he said he'll send money daily to help with my schooling.

but one problem to starting fresh was first step in succeeding was selling the piece of dump aka our home. i being dumb told him no problem and that i have a friend more than willing to let me stay with them.

dumb is the only words to use in such situation. dumb.

as i continued pacing nervously around the detention room the door busted open. in came a laughing chaeyoung and jennie. i guess they must've got close in the week jennie's been staying there.

"ahem..." i started glancing nervously at them both.

"hmm?" chaeyoung chimed. she eyed me suspiciously, "are you all good?" she asked.

i was about to burst so instead of beating around the bush i dove straight in, "canipleasestayinyourhousepleaseimdesperateandmydadisleavingsoihavenowheretostaybasicallyimhomelesspleasehelpmeoutimbeggingyouchaeyoung~"

after mushing all my words together i caught a much needed breath and put my hands on my knees, as if i've been running for miles. i slowly raised my head and waited patiently for her response. i smiled sheepishly at her.

"i have no fucking clue what the hell you just said."

with that i tried my very best and explained everything to her from top to bottom as slowly as possible. after all that she beamed me a sweet genuine smile.

"sure." was all she simply replied.



also winner really really and fool are amazing!! my fave is fool! and omg i changed my bias for the umpteenth to jinwoo bc im a winner hoe(: who is your bias?

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