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"come on girls!" exclaimed an excited chaeyoung. she was seated on the driver's seat of her car as she waved the girls over to head inside.

the night before she had made the girls pack their bags without really explaining the reason why. she just said she wanted to take the girls out for a while.

jennie eyed chaeyoung skeptically but joined her in the front anyways. jisoo and lisa sat at the back.

"i'm having trust issues with you chae." muttered lisa.

chaeyoung glared at the girl through the rear view mirror, "who is the one letting you stay at their house again?" she questioned mockingly.

lisa shut up at that comment and looked out the window embarrassed.

it was dawn. scarce cars were on the road and the sun was yet to rise completely. the sky had a dark shade of blue which then became an orange gold towards the bottom. the sun was peeping behind the city buildings waiting to greet the early workers of seoul.

chaeyoung continued to drive through the dead roads of the city for about an hour or so. jisoo had then fallen asleep on lisa's lap. while jennie was reading a novel in her hand.

chaeyoung drove up to a hotel. not any ordinary hotel but shilla hotels- where they will be staying at the presidential suites. one of seoul's most expensive hotel and suite to stay at. costing at about 8,700 us dollars. like mentioned earlier chaeyoung was filthy rich.

as the car came to a stop lisa opened her eyes in a groggily manner. she looked out the window to be met with a huge building. at the very top it read in big white letters 'THE SHILLA'.

lisa blinked a couple times feeling as if she was still in a dream.

the shilla sounds familar.

"the shilla... the shilla? the shilla? the shi- THE SHILLA!" lisa screamed.

jisoo abruptly awoken from her long nap and hit the ceiling of the car from lisa's scream.

she groaned, "oww..."

"holy jesus chaeyoung... what the hell!?" jennie gasped as she stared in awe.

"what's wrong guys?" a tired jisoo mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

"HOW IN THE HELL!? th- the shilla is like the most expensive hotel to stay at in all of seoul! how?!" lisa exclaimed.

chaeyoung simply smiled at her friends, "well you guys better get used to it soon because this is our home for the next week." chaeyoung exited the car without waiting for her friends replies.

the three looked at each other with their mouths wide open. they then began to squeal as little children would, jumping around the car.

chaeyoung handed the keys to the valet as the girls awkwardly exited the car bowing at the man. because oh man did they feel out of place and rather shy.


the girls had grown accustomed to the fancy presidential suite after a while. they went swimming, to the sauna and ate room service.

later on at midnight chaeyoung took them out of the place. they rode a taxi and ended up at octagon club.

"well damn." lisa gawked.

they each exited the taxi and was welcomed with the night winds. it was a chilly night and the girls were wearing dresses to fit in with the club attire.

loud booming music could be heard from inside the club. there was also a long line of people waiting to enter. they were all shivering in their mini dresses and short skirts.

chaeyoung along with the three trailing behind, walked past the long cue and went to the front.

"how are we even gonna enter, we're under aged?" jennie asked.

"i have my ways." chaeyoung winked at the girls.

"i don't know if i want to go in guys... it's not exactly my scene." jisoo piped nervously.

chaeyoung bit her lip and sighed, "c'mon lets just try new things. who knows you might even enjoy it."

"no please, i'm sorry but i hate loud music and especially... especially large crowds." she said shamefully bowing her head lowly.

lisa noticed jisoo's uncomfortable state, "lets not force he-"

chaeyoung grabbed jisoo's arm, "nonsense! plus i'm paying so you have to go. for me. or i'll question our friendship whether its real or not."

jisoo gasped. she didn't want to lose any friends. especially her new ones. but she had social anxiety, it was bad to the point it became a serious issue. she didn't tell her friends but every once in a while she goes to therapy to deal with her case and was prescribed with medication for it.

yet she hesitated. she also really despised the clubbing environment and atmosphere, "i'm sorry i don't think i ca-"

chaeyoung cut her off, "who is the one letting you stay at their house for free? can't you at least do this one tiny favor for me?"

with that jisoo shut herself up while lisa stared in shock. she couldn't believe chaeyoung was acting such a way. almost like a spoilt brat.

jennie stayed silent as both her and lisa watched as chaeyoung dragged jisoo into the booming and loud night club. they soon trailed after behind.

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