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"well i guess it is my turn now? to tell my reason for coming here?" chaeyoung said after a while.

"yeah sure go ahead..." lisa muttered.

"okay then. well it's kinda embarrassing, but i actually aimed to get in detention, before i knew it would be like this."

"why in the world would you want to that?" jennie questioned.

"see there is something wrong in that mind of hers." lisa said to jennie.

"shoosh. it's because i hate going home, so i gave myself a reason to not be there. i spilt coffee on the principal then boom there i thought my ticket to getting away from my house. but now i'm kinda regretting it." chaeyoung rubbed the nape of her neck out of embarrassment.

"dumb." lisa deadpanned.

"why thank you." chae rolled her eyes and kicked lisa's seat.

lisa was unfazed by the kick and wondered what was so bad of not wanting to go home for the school's rich princess, rose.

"i'm gonna assume we all have our problems here." lisa spoke out.

the three stopped what they were doing and slowly nodded their heads.

"well i'm now suddenly curious with all of your stories. so let us all tell what they are and i shall tell mine as well." lisa smiled at all three.

jennie looked away with a scowl.

god such a nosy bitch. jennie thought.

jisoo stared back blinking her eyes.

while chaeyoung gave her a dumb look.

"why? just why do you care?" chaeyoung questioned her intentions.

"i really don't but i'm curious. so who's first?"

jisoo shot up from her seat and nervously raised her hand. "i-i'll go..."

"i knew little jisoo would do it!" lisa shot her a welcoming grin and motioned for her to go on. jisoo grew embarrassed at lisa's smile.

no one has ever smiled like that at me before. she thought.

"well let us see. well when i was young about in elementary school, my parents died in a pretty bad car ac- accident," jisoo let a breath out. she tried to block out the awful memory of when the police came to her house to reveale to her the awful news. she was only eight at the time but the memory was always still there lingering around, haunting her. it broke her little eight year old heart at the time and it still does.

the girls intently listened with sad expressions.

"... then i went under the care of my aunty and uncle. but they treat me as a burden and tell me to do this and that saying it's the least i could do for coming into their home and lives and ruining it... i mean they don't physically abuse me but they mentally do..." jennie looked down when she said that.

"...i guess that's why i'm so nervous and quiet around people... alone with the fact i'm also unwanted by my classmates... which results to getting bullied ahaha..." jisoo finished off with a small pained smile and an awkward laugh trying to ease the thick tension.

"well thats my story i guess..."

jisoo sat down and nervously looked down at her wringing hands.

oh my god they are silent. i stuffed up. agh you're so stupid jisoo, you just had to blurt out your stupid life story to three strangers who could've been your friends. of course they wouldn't care. you're worthless and unimportant just as everyone has told you your whole life. you had one job and you failed. you always fail, you're a failure. no wonder your aunty and uncle don't want you. no wonder your classmates bully you, it's because your a failure and a burden. you should've ended your life when you had the chance to.

jisoo's mind filled with negative thoughts as the other three were quiet. these thoughts were nothing out of the norm and it was usual for her.

suddenly jennie spoke up, "i'm so sorry to hear that. i'm sorry for snapping at you earlier too. i'll tell my story now so you won't feel lonely..."

jisoo brought her head up rapidly and smiled at jennie's comment.

"so how should i begin...?" jennie trailed.


a/n: 2ne1's goodbye had me in tears T^T but blackjack fourever yo

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