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"plan one initiating in action in three, two and," BOOM!

the stink bomb exploded inside yuri's car creating a horrid stench to spread within the walls of the bmw.

the stink bomb in her room also began to spread as well.

"yes! now lets get to part two." grinned lisa evilly at the masked jennie and chaeyoung.


earlier that day.

"so how was jisoo guys?" jennie asked concerned.

"she is putting up alright i guess, better than we expected so that's good." chaeyoung informed her.

jennie nodded feeling relief wash over her. last night worry and guilt was all she felt as she paced around her bedroom waiting for the bing of a message to appear on her mobile. she wished she was at the hospital instead of her crammed room doing pointless amounts of homework.

"thank goodness."

"anyways during our time here in detention," lisa checked her stolen watch, "...so for two more hours, let us devise a plan to slowly destroy the four ugly hoe's lives." lisa smiled at the two and rolled out a large a3 paper filled with many words.

"last night i got busy and added suggestions to what we could do to get back at them."

chaeyoung observed the large paper and skimmed through lisa's ideas.

flood seolhyun's room.
release rats in yuri's room.
paint bucket seulgi's car.
replace hani's hair dye with green and red colours.

wow festive. chaeyoung thought.

"these are um great lisa. lets start making a plan now. and you better tell us your ideas too, jennie. use that smart brain of yours to help us." luckily to both chaeyoung's and lisa's hopes, jennie nodded and agreed.


2:51am [yuri's house]

"so i went to some workshop and they weirdly sold stink bombs. so i bought two!" lisa carefully laid out what she purchased on the floor.

jennie, chaeyoung and lisa were all situated in the boot of chaeyoung's car with the back door open. [refer to gif]

"cool, what else?" chaeyoung asked.

lisa fiddled around her huge sack and pulled out vibrant green hair dye.

"so i did some research and seulgi apparently dyes her own hair. so lets replace her 'blonde' hair dye to green." lisa grinned happily and proceeded on getting the next item.

"two more things. some hot wax," lisa struggled with the last item but surely got it out. it was a glass container filled with cockroaches.

chaeyoung squealed. she latched onto jennie's shoulder looking horrified, "ahhhh what the fuck!? gross!"

"shh, yuri's house is right across the road!" lisa put her finger against chaeyoung's lips.

"anyways let's begin plan one! releasing a stink bomb in yuri's expensive as fuck bmw and one in her room."

the three of them pulled down their face masks and nodded.

jennie hopped down the boot and grabbed a stink bomb, she scurried across the street and quickly hid behind a brick wall.

she checked her surroundings to find them clear. wasting no time she dashed to the car that was parked outside the garage.

"stupid." jennie mumbled.

the window, to her convenience, was wide open.

while jennie fixed the stink bomb, chaeyoung was running to the back of the mansion. and lisa was writing a note down.

don't mess with jisoo or the consequences will be worse. (:
just try it and you'll be messing with four of us.
so come and fight us hoe. xxx - unknown

lisa plopped it on her windshield, proud of herself. a little cringey but she wanted to get her message across.

chaeyoung made it to her room and of course the window was wide open. it was quite a warm and humid night.

both chaeyoung and jennie checked their phones. at exactly three am they were to release the bombs together.

"plan one initiating in action in three, two and," BOOM!

the stink bomb exploded inside yuri's car creating a horrid stench to spread within the walls of the bmw.

the stink bomb in her room also began to spread as well.

lisa grabbed the both of them and they all ran to the car.

excitement bubbled within them as the adrenaline pumped within their veins.

they laughed together and kept looking back. soon they heard a shrilling scream which they assumed was yuri's. again they laughed and made it just on time to their relief, in the car.

chaeyoung started the engine and lisa seated shotgun while jennie sat at the back.

"yes! now lets get to part two." grinned lisa evilly at the masked jennie and chaeyoung.


not gonna lie this was loosely based off paper towns (; CHANGED MY USERNAME FROM @sugarpeachjin to @-cypherkook . and YES A NEW COVER AND THEME (": and i'm excited for the next chapters bc you get an insight of their depressing home life!

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