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[3rd pov]

classroom. [4:57 pm]

"jisoo is back yay!" exclaimed lisa. all three girls rushed out their seats and pounced on the  poor jisoo who had just recently recovered.

"ah ow!" squealed jisoo. they all sheepishly got off the poor girl and scratched the nape of their necks.

"sorry..." they claimed in unison.

"nah it's okay guys, it didn't actually hurt i just wanted you all to get off me." jisoo said.

they shot the recovered girl a glare but laughed it off. "since when did jisoo have this 180 degree flip in personality?" chaeyoung asked.

"no i was kidding. i'm sorry. i'm terrible. i actually regretted saying that as soon as it came out my mouth, i'm so sorry. please forgive me." she stuttered.

"-aaand the old jisoo is back." jennie stated.



4:49 pm

i came home, commuting on the public bus as my uncle and auntie didn't bother to visit once or at least pick me up. i guess i shouldn't have hoped, it only makes me more upset when they didn't come.

i should've expected it. how stupid am i?

i'm suddenly not in the mood to return home so i decided to go to the school. actually, when am i ever in the mood to go home? it's late afternoon so i'm sure detention was still on.

i missed them. it's weird but i feel as if we were friends now... well i hope so at least. i really want them to be my friends...

i really wonder what has been happening the past week and so that i've been gone.

did the pranking go well?

i exited at the bus stop that was placed in front of the school.

with sweaty palms i entered the dark hallways of the school, worried.

what if they're not excited to see me? maybe they were thankful i was in the hospital and not in their presence.

with a brave heart i entered the classroom in hopes for a good reaction.


[3rd pov]

classroom. [5:01pm]

"yo why are you here though? shouldn't you be resting at home?" lisa questioned.

"i don't know, i'm really not in the mood to go home. an- and i also... miss you guys?"

lisa and the girls released a string of awes and hugged the girl in a child manner.

"we missed you too our lil jichu!" chaeyoung squealed. lisa shot her a playful glare, implying that jichu was her nickname for jisoo.

"go away lisa." chaeyoung poked her tongue at her and embraced jisoo tighter, "jisoo is mine!"

with that they fought like little five year old's who were arguing over a turn in the sandpit.


after long and enjoyable conversations between the four, chaeyoung made a plan. that plan was to bring jisoo into her mansion house hold as well. because why not, three of them already are might as well include jisoo.

she was planning to take the other three on a thrilling joy ride, to escape their harsh realities, to let loose and just a have a purely enjoyable time outside of the dark world of theirs.

with the help of her car and money she will take the girls to the best restaurants, clubs, stores and vice versa.

it was time for the girl's to experience the thrill of their lives.


a/n; so um this is where it really begins i guess? like where the plot actually lives up to its title ??? lol idk but yay im excited.

lmao this chapter was really messy and i'm sorrrryyyy): i honestly hate this chapter so much bc it took me ages to complete bc i had writer's block lol and its messy and sucks.

and i won't be updating this ff for a while until i have heavily edited and written more chapters for it!


+that was a long as author's note...

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