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"oh my god, i can't believe we actually did such things!" jennie exclaimed, exhausted from the countless running she had to do.

"well you better believe it." lisa winked at her.

the girls switched seulgi's hair dye while flooding her closet with water from the bathroom. which they did because seulgi was sleeping over her boyfriend, jimin's house.

luck was just on their side that night/morning.

they released cockroaches in hani's room. and poured hot wax all over her computer and phone.

they could surely go to jail but lisa was experienced and found ways to avoid the law and it's consequences.

"agh oh my it's five twenty am! we have school in the morning and ugh detention." jennie complained as she checked her phone.

"oh damn. this is your house right." chaeyoung pulled to the right at a small modern house.

"yep! okay well thanks for the lift! and see you guys in a few hours aha." jennie waved them off and got out the expensive car chaeyoung owned.


i climbed the tree which i learnt to do this week, and walked across the stiff branch.

i opened my window and landed with an agonizing thud on the ground.

  i closed the window and as soon i turned around i felt all the blood drain out of my body. my eyes widened and i felt numbness take over.

i met eye to eye with the people i least wanted to see.

my breathing became shallow and i felt my whole world come to a halt. it was as if the wind has stopped blowing and the idea of air never existed.

as i was about to speak up my father did instead, "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU JUST COME FROM!?" he yelled in a booming tone.

"i-," instead of letting me talk he stomped over to me and landed a hard slap on my left cheek.

i instinctively held my face and rubbed the now swollen area.

"YOU DISRESPECTFUL CHILD! HOW DARE YOU SNEAK OUT LIKE THAT!" with that another hit, this time on my other cheek.

due to the heavy impact i felt myself falling to the ground. tears welled up and soon came falling down my bruised cheeks.

"first you cheat on the test, and now you're rebelling against us and avoiding your studying." my mother spat at me. each word felt like a stab in the heart.

"i'm disgusted."

i didn't dare look up her and just kept my head low. the pain was overwhelming but i knew it was just the beginning.

"i'm- i'm s-sorry..." i whispered in a low voice, suddenly feeling weaker.

my mother walked over to my body on the floor and crouched down.

she grabbed a fistful of my hair and harshly pulled my head towards her.

she whispered in my ear, "i can't hear you, you disgraceful child. speak up." she pulled harder and more tears streamed down.

"i- i'm sorry." i said huskily.

she let go and pushed me down on the floor. she landed a kick in my gut and soon i began to cough out some blood.

"punish her severely." my mother told my father.

through my blurred vision i saw my dad nodding, agreeing.

i shook my head and began to scream, "NO! NO! PLEASE NO!"

ignoring my screams he dragged me by the hair into their room. i tried punching his arm but it was useless.

i laid there helpless on the cold wooden floor as i watched him grab a long leather belt from his closet.

"oh god please no!" i pleaded.

my mother grabbed a smoke and sat on their bed as she watched everything without blinking an eye.

"hopefully this will help you learn." he raised the belt high up and it was a blur from then on.


i feel so bad for my poor jennie ): agh sorry if it's too much. and btw new jungkook fanfic called "hotel room" check it out if you have time (": and im planning a jimin fanfic called "opposite" and a kai fanfic called "age gap" im excited tbh

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