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jennie stood up.

"pressured 24/7. get straight a's. why is it not 100%? second place not good enough. you missed one class, might as well drop out, stupid, you're a failure to this family. that is what i have been told a majority of my life. i'm never good enough. i get all a's and one b, oh not good enough, slap. 98%, terrible, whip on the back." soon a single tear fell from jennie's eyes as she stared at the ceiling.

"hit, slap, punch, whip are all feelings way too familiar to me at this point. i'm just not and never will be good enough. i am just a stupid child who can never live up to their parents expectations."

jennie sighed and plopped back down on her seat.

"oh... but your first place now? shouldn't your parents be happy with that?" chaeyoung asked.

"that's what i thought. except they were glad for a bit, until the news that i cheated got to them, yeah let us just say that didn't end well. now they expect me to continue being number one until the day i graduate." jennie said as she cautiously looked over to chaeyoung.

lisa nodded, pretending to understand her situation but really doesn't. her whole life she had been a delinquent and never got the best grades. she barely cared as she had other things to worry and intend to.

"well guess it's chaeyoung's turn. can't back down, or you'll let them two down." lisa pointed to jisoo and jennie. chaeyoung sighed, "guess not, fine."

"the reason i avoid going home is because there is nothing to go home to. no parents. no siblings. nothing. it's an empty mansion that feels no where to little to home."

chaeyoung carefully observed lisa's reaction. lisa held a poker face on but continued to listen to her.

"last year my parents were m- murdered and along with the baby in my mother's stomach at the time. all dead. they also took a lot of our things. so a robbery and a murder. i was at a club with my friends because i snuck out and i came back to see them cold dead. police claim it was a suicide. but that was a cover up, i still don't know why they did that, but i know as a fact it was a murder."

jennie, jisoo and chaeyoung became more curious as her story unfolded. they all felt goosebumps and the hair on their back rise.

"the murderer left a note. it wrote, lucky you weren't here or else you would've joined your two lovely parents. i've tried to uncover who it was but i have no leads so i eventually gave up. i wished i was with my parents at the time and hadn't snuck out that night. the regret still fills me all the time."

lisa's mouth opened in shock at the news. none of them knew of this. lisa felt a tinge of guilt for annoying her earlier.

"so that's why i avoid my home. there's nothing to come home to anyways. but i guess school isn't better, people use me for my money and i get into relationships only to be cheated on and used again."

chaeyoung hadn't realise she was crying until she saw something wet hit the surface of the wooden desk. she quickly swatted away her tears and let out a sniffle.

"i'm sorry to hear that chaeyoung. i hope you find him or her soon." jisoo said with sympathy.

chaeyoung only just nodded her head. me too. i hope i find that bastard soon enough.

"well i do really wish to tell you guys a much happier story compared to yours, but unfortunately i don't have one."

"so lets begin..."


a/n; pls don't be a silent reader and vote and comment (if you want aha) but i'd reallllyyyy appreciate it(,:

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