His Return

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It's been a year since i've moved, I'm tired of being in califoria, it's not bad or anything, it's just not like New York, Not like home.

I walk off the plane and look for dad, it takes me a while but I find him,  I smile at him, it's like I haven't seen him in more than just one year. He sees me as he jogs to me and I'm developed in a hug, I hug him back.

"I missed you son" dad sniffles.

"I missed you too dad"


I set both of my suit cases on my bed, oh how I missed this bed, I fall onto it and sigh in all the memories that came flooding back to me.

I like to think I've matured while I was gone, even though it's a large possibility I barely changed  at all.

I feel like things seemed unresolved when I left, I told Maya how I felt about her but Aiden made it look like she didn't feel the same way. I won't lie, I tried to forget about my life here, but the memories always snuck up on me and made me think all night about it.

I missed it here, of course I made friends in California, of course there where girls who showed an interest. I may or may have not tried dating to get Maya off my mind, it worked for a while because it was always different from Maya and I's relationship, as we never really had one.

But she always came into my mind when I see a head of long blonde hair, I can't get her out of my head for hours after.

Mum moved on too quickly, I couldn't take it anymore after I found out that she and her boyfriend were engaged to be married. I expressed how much I was missing dad and wanted to live with him for now, desperately trying to get away from my mother's love sick stage.

only a few day's after we moved to California her boyfriend starting showing up, sneaking in at night to see my mother for their 'secret' rendezvous. They never went unnoticed.

I was begging for days to move back to New York, who knew Mother's fiancé was going to be the first to say yes to it? That was a rhetorical question because I knew how much he wanted the house alone for him and my mother.

Not the best thing to think about, if you know what I mean. I mean at my age of course I thought about it, that doesn't mean I want to loose my V card to some girl I barely knew, I wanted to have it with someone special, even though I'm a raging hormonal teenage boy.

Anyway, after a while Mum gave in and allowed me to live with dad, so here I am, about to start the first semester back at a school I haven't seen in a full year, entering my last year of high school.

I wasn't nervous by the fact of school, well knowing I can study all night again, studying to ace exams and all, I was nervous by the fact of Maya. The words that Aiden said to me the last time I sat foot in New York made me anxious and skittish, nervous, whatever other emotions, it made me uneasy to know what happens now.

"She'll move on, she may think she loves you but she doesn't know her true feelings." Those words haunted me at night.

"everything will change while your gone, and everyone will be unfazed by the lack of your existence. She'll get her first boyfriend and possibly even forget about you so don't bother, stay in California and forget about your life in New York, Because it might as well have already forgotten you." He didn't say it to be rude or harsh, he said it as a warning, that's why I questioned if he was right.

The truth is always a thing to be scared of that's why I don't want to walk a step outside of this house, I don't want my heart to break. Luck isn't always on my side and I've got school tomorrow, I thought I would have a rest day but I guess I was wrong.

So I'm guessing to bring on a year of hell.

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