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Monty Parker - baseball player (obviously😒), strong builded, attractive, plays guitar and dating the most amazing girl in the world.

Farkle Minkus - doesn't play sports, not strong builded, not really attractive, doesn't play any instruments and not dating the most amazing girl in the world.

I huff in frustration and furiously rubs my fingers through my hair, setting down my pen on the piece of paper. I could never be as good as Monty Parker!

I'm not the one she loves anymore, I don't think she even knows what she's even saying. Maya, she's complicated like that.

She's In Love With Him Now. It's simple as that, if he was at the party she would've gone to him, not me.

I didn't even stay long, I was the first to leave, even Isadora stayed until the very end. I stand up and walk to my bed, falling on it, the waves of sheets swallowing me.

One more day of the weekend, than it's back to school. Why couldn't I stay home in pyjamas, ice cream in hand and watching Netflix? Occasionally studying.

I still very much liked school and all, not a lot of people wanted to waste their senior year on studying for college. It's more for the likes of 'parties and the big planning of the senior prank'.

We even had a large test coming up which costs us a half of our final grade for the first semester. I have no idea why students aren't hurrying to study and prepare for the exam.

Maya huffs in a complete emotion of frustration, I look over to her, rubbing her hair so much that it's turned into an afro.

I look over to the fake test I gave her to practise on, only 7 words. I rub her back comforting like, she sighs, digging her head into her hands.

"I can't Farkle, I can't, I'm going to be 32 and still in high school. I'm a flunk, a flosey. I'm a dumb dumb" She states in a tone of rejection.

"Your no dumb dumb, you're too tense, breathe and let your stress go and just focus on the question, okay. Try it now" I guide her, lightly massaging her back as she focus' on the paper.

She slowly started to work, I feel a smile creep onto my face. There's progress!

She's actually seeming to get it, she finishes the page and I kiss her on the cheek, hugging her from behind.

"See your no dumb dumb, you just needed something to help you concentrate" I smile, she chuckles and stands us throwing her arms around me. Causing me to fall on the bed, I chuckle along with her.

She snuggles in my arms, laying her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my torso. Maya smiles, her strawberry smell filling my senses.

"Thanks, I appreciate this" she says as she kissed me on the cheek quickly.

What did I say Farkle? I said stop remembering things, we, I mean I need to stop thinking.

I roll around in my bed to where I'm facing the ceiling, memories don't help anything, not my relationship with Maya, my jealousy and defiantly not my feelings.

The sound of the rain and thunder outside starts to get louder, the storm growing larger.

The rain drops pelting down on the roof. I stand up, making my way into the lounge room.


I huff and pick up the little adorable puppy after I put on my shoes and a jumper. We only got lacey a few days ago, she's cheered up both, my dad and I's mood.

Before I exit the door I pick up her leash, making my way into the small elevator. It's around 10 at night so everyone should be home, including the fact it's storming like cats and dogs outside.

Lacey and I make it to the bottom floor and I attach her leash to her collar. Walking outside the building, towards the park.

We walked for a while, the rain pouring down on my head faster and faster each minute. Lacey just wagging her tail happily, hanging out her tounge as the rain hits it.

I sit onto a bench as lacey calms down and I sigh. Only a few cars and people drive/walk by, guess it wouldn't be weird for this time of night. I silently hear a voice in the distance.

"Riley.. no Riley you aren't listening to me... I can't go down that road again I told you that... Yes Monty makes me happy.." She sighs, her blonde hair sprinkling through the leaves, my heart beat speeds up as I make out the features of her face, her umbrella lightly shining through.

"Farkle makes me happy... I don't know my feelings for him.. I need to I don't know spend more time with him but if I do Monty will go ballistic if he finds out..." she expresses as if she was deciding something through her mind.

she walks right in front of my point of view, and stands on the path, she inhaling and hanging up the phone and putting it into her pocket. she exhales and suddenly glances over to me. gasping at the sight of me on the end of the path on a bench.

Maya holds onto her heart a breathes mumbling something to herself as she closes her eyes, not a moment later she starts to make her way over to me. Following down to stone path, her umbrella twirling as she walked, the trees swaying at every step she took towards me.

My eyes widen at her beauty before me, She sits down, a sigh escaping her lips.

"Hey Farkle wasn't expecting you to be here, it's like your everywhere I go" Maya states, twiddling her thumbs nervously.

"It might be fate" I suggest shrugging my shoulders, looking at her, lifting her chin to look at me. Something shining in her eyes.

"I have-"

"God damnit it Maya I already know you have a fucking boyfrie-" before I knew it her lips were working against mine, her hands grasping at my collar, so much confusion was making it's way over my body and my blood.

she detaches her lips from mine before I could even register what the hell was going on.

"What was that?" I ask my eyes closed.

"I have to figure out my feelings for you and my feelings for Monty, A kiss between the both of you should help me decide, this is only going to happen once" She states her eyebrow raised in a serious way, looking away from me as she bites her lip. "I'll see you at school tomorrow"

She stands up and walks off, leaving me confused as I soak on the bench, my puppy beneath my feet.

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