Game On

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I spent most of the night just reading through her letters, they held so much emotion, she felt exactly how i felt when i was gone.

I walk to my locker, I pull out my note I wrote a few days ago and look at it. The 7 reasons why I shouldn't have come back.

I felt so out of place here, yet somehow I belonged here. Maya still has feelings for me, she can't stop the memories coming to her mind when she see's me and that makes her feel insane.

All this time I thought she moved on, but I didn't know she was trying too. It was a whole year I was gone, I made her feel insane.

I was taught relationships end, some are forever but you have to be one hell of a guy for it to last that long.

I dated in California, they showed an interest and I wanted to accept the fact - I had to move on.

Some of them I thought I could catch feelings for, it never worked because I was in love with a incredible blonde back in New York, who was forbidden to me.

I hold the note in my hands and rip it in half without a second thought.

I turn around, looking across the hall. Maya stands there, surrounded by her friends chatting with her, she doesn't listen to them as her eyes are focused onto my hands, which are holding the ripped piece of paper.

Her eyes glazed over, her nose a light pink. She scans me before locking eyes with me.

I see her freak out for a few seconds, she quietly says goodbye to get friends and hurries away.

I close my locker and walk after her, following her into a empty hallway.

"Maya!" I call out, making my way to her as she stops in her tracks.

She turns around, her eyes avoiding to look into mine, a sudden interested in a classroom door.

"I know you still have feelings for me" I announce, she quickly turns on her heel trying to avoid everything about me, she stays still for a few seconds, her head down.

She suddenly turns around, facing me dead in the eyes.

"I don't have any feelings for you, I got over you a long time ago" she states, glaring at me, I shake my head.

"Your most recent letter says otherwise" I rise a eyebrow. Her eyes widen as she looks at me, scared.

I look behind her and see a bunch of students walking towards us.

I take her wrists in my hands and drag her into closet to not be seen by anyone. My hands still on her wrists as we enter the small space.

"I didn't actually want you to read those" she states, huffing.

"You left them for me, they were addressed to me. Maya admit you still have feelings for me" I try to convince her, moving my face closer for effect.

"I don't have feelin-" she starts, being cut off as I walk forward, she moves backwards slightly her back hitting the wall.

I gently let go of her wrists as we stare into each other's eyes, her eye's widened, not in fear or disgust, that of desire.

She moves her face closer, I stay still, seeing where this goes, expecting her to push my away or punch me to get as far away from me.

Her eyes look deeply into mine before she crashes her lips into mine. Wrapping her arms around my neck as mine travel around her waist.

I kiss her back, equally as passionately. I craved her lips for so long, her strawberry smell intoxicating my lungs and her touch burning through my skin. I craved everything about her.

I than feel a gear turn in my head and I step back, biting my lip as I look away from her She stands confused in a daze for a few seconds, shaking off her previous thoughts.

"Why did you do that?" She asks frowning, playing with her thumbs.

"I didn't, you did" I state, using my finger to lift up her chin to get her to look at me.

"You were holding onto my wrists" she responds.

"I let go before you moved closer and KISSED ME and let me clarify you wrapped your arms around my neck before I did anything" I reply, spelling out the facts.

"Why would I do that if I have a boyfriend?" She asks, more to herself than to me. I move swiftly forward and trap her within my arms  on either side of her head.

"That's what I want to know" I state, my voice hoarse and low.

Her breath hitches in her throat, staring me in the eyes again.

Minutes go by and she just stares into my eyes, still trying to find the words to say. I sigh and finally step back, she watches me curiously, with wonder in her eyes.

I turn around without a word and walk out of the closet, letting her be by herself in the closest.

I walk down the halls of the high school, I glance to the side and see Monty talking to Lucas.

I make my way towards them, I see Monty's gaze find me, his eyebrow raised in curiosity.

I walk over to him, grabbing him by the collar and pushing him into the locker.

"Hey Farkle, let go" Lucas warns, glaring at me, I don't pay attention to him, my glare facing Monty.

I give him a challenging look as i raise my eyebrow. Monty's breathing rugged, holding onto my fists, which are turning white from the friction.

"Game on"

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