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I'm sorry I'm updating late, schools just packed work on me that I needed to do, plus the fact I have writers block at the moment so please bare with me.


don't know if yesterday was a dream because Maya actually showed that she might not be so hung over her boyfriends arm, or if it was real.

I rolled in my bed, my face digging into my pillow sighing in my tiredness, I barely slept yesterday. I'm so damn sleepy.

Just in time my wake up call came rushing into my room, jumping on my bed playfully. Licking my feet trying to get me to move. Lacey came in here like clockwork the little puppy was so full of energy it was scary.

I groan and hide my feet under the blanket, away from Lacey. I roughly rub the tiredness from my eyes and sit up, the young pup, pulls the curtains quickly open instantly burning my eyes. She was my little demon once the sun came up.

Just as I think that she pulls the blacket off me a woofs adorable and wags her butt as she prances out of my room. 

I huff and stand up, walking into the bathroom, looking in the mirror noticing the bags under my eyes. I yawn, turning on the faucet and splashing cold ass water straight onto my face almost waking me up instantly. 

I quickly change into clothes for school and head into the kitchen to steal some food and head off to school.

I say goodbye to lacey and leave a note for dad before I leave the penthouse and walk into the elevator.

Walking to school was quiet, the tree's seemed more greener and the sun seemed to shine brighter than the rest of the days recently.

I walked into school and headed to my locker like every day instead not today. Smackle was waiting there, glancing down at her phone smiling gleefully. Almost snorting a giggle.

I made it to my locker opening as I eye her.

"Smackle are you okay?" I ask curious.

"Everything is simple and normal, yes I'm okay" she nods, her voice very monotone get some happiness as she said that.

"You seem happy today, is there a reason behind that?" I ask, curious to the fact behind my friends chipperness.

"Isaiah and I have been talking since Lucas' party and we've hit it off, I always end up having interesting conversations with him" she states glancing away from her phone screen.
"You and Zay? Interesting" i raise an eyebrow.

"What are you trying to imply Farkle?" She asks through a raised eyebrow.

"Nothin" I rise my hands innocently, Isadora shakes her head and looks down at her phone as it beeps and her face slightly changes, I frown. "What's wrong?"

"Something's happened to Maya" Isadora announces as she looks me in the eye. "You should probably go to her before Monty does" she commands.

"How do you-"

"-Go, now it's not going to be long until Monty hears about it and starts stomping towards her to find out what's happened" she shoo's me towards the female bathroom.

Monty cares about her, that's the thing that's making getting to Maya so hard.

I rush past the people surrounding the bathroom, I shove past them and lock the door behind me. Maya turns around, her sobs increasing.

"Maya what's wrong?" I ask as I step closer. She sobs louder as she runs her head furiously. "Maya" I call just below a whisper.

"It hurts, I don't know why" she screams, holding onto her head. I walk forward and she doesn't protest.

"Shhh, calm down, what's wrong?" I ask, voice still low.

"I'm trying Farkle" she states, slightly pulling her hands away from her head and looking at me. Her face flourished red, and her eye almost bloodshot, tears still escaping her eyes.

I feels my heart drop at the sight of her, huddled in the corner in pain.

"I'm trying to understand and it's killing me. I can't focus on anything,I'm even forgetting almost everything.... I don't know anymore" She cries, suddenly landing in my arms. Her hands gripping tightly at my shirt as her head lands on my chest.

A loud and harsh knock comes from the door and I almost growl with anger as I know who it is. Maya doesn't move, yet her sobs decrease and her grip tightens.

I huff and try to stand up, there's no way you can keep Monty from his girlfriend.

Suddenly I'm being pulled back down, I look down at Maya and she shakes her head.

I quietly hear her say "No" I sit back down and wrap my arms around her, kissing her on the forehead.

The loud banging comes again and she jumps in my arms. I wonder if she got into a fight with Monty.

I hear whispers come from the door, non that are identifiable.

"Maya are you in there. Come on babe what's wrong?" Monty yells from the door.

She stirs beneath me.

"I'm fine" she yells back, trying to keep the sadness of her her voice out of her tone. I hear footsteps leave, and people cursing probably because he pushed them out of his way.

"You obviously not fine" I whisper into her ear, she tightens her grip onto my shirt, and digs her face further into my chest. "Why'd you lie?" I ask, voice still soft and quiet.

"Because he'll get Lucas involved and he'll think someone bullied me or whatever. I can't have him do that" she states, voice hoarse from her sobs moments before.

"Are you still in pain?" I ask, rubbing her back comforting.

"Not so much anymore, thank you"

"For what?" I question her.

"For being here. I'm sorry I've caused you so much trouble..." She stays quiet for a moment. I start to feel my shirt become wet, I notice she's crying again.

"Maya, why are you crying are you okay?" I ask worried, my heart pumping loudly.

"I'm so sorry Farkle" she sobs.

"Shhh, it's okay" I rub her head, soothing her, she starts to stop again.

"I'm so stupid" she says as she rubs her eyes.

"No your not" I reply, my eyebrows frowned. She stays in my arms for a while, her breathing returning to normal.

She starts writing circles on my arm with her finger, focusing on me as I hold her. At least she's calmed down now, we have history soon and if Monty notices we're both missing he'll come straight at me.

I love this woman, I would do anything for her, even if that involves getting in trouble with her boyfriend and brother.

I look down at her, her blonde locks falling down her neck like a waterfall, her eyes closed, her nose bright pink. She's beautiful.

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