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Lunch was interesting, everyone was hearing whisperings about what happened at the library and now people are curious as to who's the 'mystery' girl.

Of course people came up to me, asking who broke my heart and who I was talking to. I said nothing as to it was private information and private affaires.

Maya didn't bother to look my way, even in class. Lucas has been the same, nice to me and asking me to hang out and stuff but I kept saying no. 

The day ended to slowly and I was now walking towards my motorbike to find a small group of girls standing near it whispers to each other. I rose by eyebrow in suspicion, the group all looked at me and giggled like a bunch of fan girls.

Seriously this is making me feel creeped out I have no idea how celebrities do it. I guess those who deal with it go insane, it'd make sense.
I smiled sheepishly as I hopped into the bike and once my ass touched the seat they all started talking and it was just all unidentifiable my head was just hurting from all the sounds.

With the sounds of cars driving by, students chatting as they walked by, the sound of the girls talking at once was all to much for me. I smiled at them and they all stopped and smiled back and I started the ignition that scared the girls and started to drive off without a second thought.

Leaving the group of girls scared, hugging each other. Honestly it was funny but cruel, I'll apologize tomorrow.

I walk through the doors Lacey instantly barking from the dining room as if communicating to walk towards her. I walk into the dining room and there sit ting down in the sest sipping on some tea was Riley.

I huffed and sat into the opposing chair. Sighing as my back made contact with the seat.

"Hello Riley. Why are you here?" I ask politely as I could. I'm tired and cranky so it could've come off sarcastic or rude, she just shrugs. Chugging down the rest of the tea. Luckily it wasn't much left.

"I've got a plan" she states, eyes brightening up. I let out a long and agonising sigh as I rubbed my eyes furiously. This one is persistent as hell.

"I thought I told you-" I started. She shook her head and shooshed me making me groan again.

"No, she was lying" I won't lie as those words slipped from her mouth my heart jumped. "There's no way she stayed up so late talking to you and to me about you. No way for her to still be crying herself to sleep if she didn't love you" Riley finished, a frown appearing between her eyebrows.

"How do you know she cries herself to sleep?" I ask curiously, my eyes squinting at the brunette and she smiles weakly.

"Best friends intuition" she answered easily, shrugging it off. She reached for her cup and frowned as she tried to drink the empty contents, forgetting she chugged the thing only moments ago.

"Okay fine. I'm just going to agree like every love struck teen in a movie and it'll end up in a happy ending so of course" I say, waving my arms around the place. Riley raises her eyebrow.

"Really?" She asks. A smile itching to slide over her face I huff.

"No. I'm heartbroken enough and the thought to have hope and than have it crushed again. It doesn't sit well with me, so you can do whatever but don't get me involved" I state, standing up and walking to my room, the pup following close behind me.

I hear Riley sigh behind me and the front door close behind her as she leaves, I fall backwards onto my bed letting out a gruff huff.

There's no way I can get involved in such a plan. I'm smart enough to realise that I'm not in a fairytale where it's just a test of my feels for her and we end up riding a pony into the sunset.

I'm in reality and happy endings don't always happen, you get heartbreak and feel failure and you can die alone. This is the real world, not some romance movie or book.

The next week didn't seem to go so well either. Every time I see a head of long blonde hair I turn the other direction to get as far away as I can. It's hard enough as it is having to sit next to Maya in class.

People were still whispering about the 'mystery girl who stole Farkle's heart' you think people would get bored of those rumors but I guess not. I glance over to Maya from my lunch table and let out a downhearted sigh and mush my mash potatoes with my fork.

"Your clearly still depressed Farkle " Isadora points out, I groan and roll my eyes at my friend.

"Does it show?" I ask rolling my eyes sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I encouraged you to go to her house I didn't know she was going to break your heart" Isadora stated sympathetically, I let out a sigh.

"No it wasn't you, my heart broke the moment I stepped aboard the plane" I rub my eyes, sticking the mash potatoes in my mouth and chewing miserably.

Isadora's face changes as if she was thinking, suddenly I think I see a light bulb turn of above her head as her 'genius' smile appears on her face.

"Why don't you try to fall in love again. With someone different?" She asks, I squint my eyes at my friend.

"You don't just fall in love with someone Smackle" I point out and her faces frowns. "But it could be worth a try to just get her off my mind at least" I state shrugging. She nods and writer down something on her note pad.

What's the worst that could happen? I'm broken enough to not be able to continue being hurt.

"She's In Love With Him Now" | Markle Book 2Where stories live. Discover now