Love Struck.

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After the day had ended I stayed behind, waiting for my dad to pick me up. I know he had a big meeting before school finished so he'll take a while to come. I sit on the bench outside the school, I reach into my pocket to look at the note I took later today.

I don't feel the piece of paper, my heart races nervously as I start to think someone took the note and read it. I rush into the school, heading towards my locker, hoping as all hell that I left it in there without realising.

I rip open the locker, I breathe as I see the folded paper on top of all my books. relief washing over me instantly.

I turn around after closing my locker, Seeing Maya's boyfriend talking to Harper in her office. I squint my eyes in jealously at the sight of him, flashes of his and Maya's photo's appearing in my mind.

I groan as I walk outside, sitting down on the steps outside, digging my head into my hands, breathing in the cold air.

I hear the doors behind me open, I don't look up until they sit next to me. I cock an eyebrow to the person sitting next to me. Jealousy bubbling already. Farkle, you still have no reason to be even the slightest bit jealous, get over yourself.

"So your Farkle?" Monty asks, staring in front, watching the streets, the cars drive by, the pedestrians walking across the street, hurrying home to get to their families.

The people that have many different problems from I, Those with children and those who are still children, learning about the world one day at a time. The vast yet small world that we still yet have to learn all about.

The things that I think about every night since I moved away from the city that never sleeps.

"Yes, I'm Farkle" I deadpan, looking at a little girl chase after her father playfully.

"I've heard a lot about you" He replies.
"That my girlfriend has feelings for you, that your Lucas's enemy as well as a Charlie Gardner, that you were her first kiss" he states calmly.

"She no longer has any feelings for me, you must be paranoid if you think that" I respond, no emotion visible in my tone. "It's been a year she might as well not even care about me in the slightest" My heart sinks as I let the words fall from my mouth.

"That's where your wrong, Ever since you retuned she's been off, jumpy, nervous. It's like she can't look me in the eye, yet she can't help her glance wondering towards your direction" He responds calmly again, a little tone on anger visible in his voice none the less.

"I think your paranoid" I reply.

"I may not know everything that has happened between the two of you, but I know all I need to know. As a boyfriend I shouldn't approve and tell you to back off, but I'm sure Aiden has already done that" he states, as if knowing everything.

"He obviously failed. Because I came back" I for the first time turn my gaze away from the streets to look at his face.

A hardened glare, a challenging look on his face as he stares me in the eyes.
"I won't. I'm only going to say this once Minkus, Maya is my girlfriend and I can get extremely jealous and protective over what's mine so don't cross the line" Monty warns as he pokes me in the chest, hard.

I don't gulp, I don't sweat in worry, I don't have the overwhelming urge to run away, because this is about Maya.

As long as I'm in love with her, I'm going to do the most reckless thing and do whatever it takes to make her see how I feel about her.

With or without her boyfriend by her side.

Because even after a two years, I'm still love struck.

I hear my father's car beep in the distance, I turn towards my now competition and slightly smile.

"I don't know if I can promise that, but I can promise you we'll have a very familiar conversation soon" I threaten as I stand up and make my way to my dad's car.

Shorter chapter than most, either way I hope you enjoyed.

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