To Fall In Love Again?

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Thank you all for waiting patiently for the update, it means a lot that many are reading this story of mine. As I still have writers block my updates still be a long wait, again I apologise, thank you for baring with me it's all appreciated.

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It was decided between Isadora and I for me to fall in love again. I'm on my couch waiting for my friend to arrive. Just like clockwork the bell rings. How does she arrive right on the dot?

I stand up and walk over to the front door, opening in with a slow swing. There standing is Isadora with her research materials, I sigh and mentally face palm at my friends addiction for researching.

"Your researching me!" I exclaim, followed by a unamused scoff. She weakly smiles as she rushed past me and walks into my lounge room, sitting down patiently.

I sit in front of my former nemesis with a curious eyebrow raised. How did she expect to make me fall in love again? Was it even possible? I might just get hurt, but was I even able to be broken anymore than I already am?

"How did you know you were in love with Maya?" Isadora asked, not taking her eyes off her sheet of paper. I sigh and starting thinking through the memories... I don't answer. "So?" Isadora pushed looking up to me.

"It was a few weeks after we did our history project. I stayed up one night to sort through my emotions and found out I was in love with her. She was up at 3am and messaged me, I was close to her house so I ran and I thought I could tell how I felt, I didn't tell her I loved her until a few months later" I said slowly so the memories running through my mind were easier to bare.

Isadora nodded her head, closely listening to every word that escaped my mouth.

"How did you know you loved her?" she questioned.

"It just randomly came upon me, I saw her more beautiful, more stunning, amazing than anyone else" I shrugged smiling, quickly shaking off the fuzzy feeling in my stomach and smile appearing on my face.

"Isadora" I called, she looked up and nodded signalling I had her attention "What if I can't fall in love again?" I asked lowly, she shrugged, her face showing a deep in thought expression.

"Then you have to accept that you weren't meant to be loved" she stated simply, my heart sank. Never to be loved? I never had a chance?

"Oh" I sighed disappointed. Was she lying to me? or was she just making me chase her like a lost puppy?

"I'm sure you'll find the person for you, don't look so upset" Isadora tried to comfort me, I gave her a weak smile. "I hear after a heart break it takes a while but you get over it" she tried again, somehow it just made me feel worse, I gave her another weak smile.

"Thanks Isadora" I said nodding to her attempt to make me feel better.

The Night didn't go so well, Isadora asked me questions that all lead to me thinking of the blonde and I. The memories were all overwhelming for me, maybe I was never supposed to love anyone else other than her?

Why would she lie to me for a year? she struggled saying she loved me, she seemed too upset when she told me never did. Maybe it's all in my head?

Maybe the rational thinking of my brain broke? Why would I still hope there's a chance of me and Maya ever being a thing? She denied me after I've chased her for over a year. The thoughts of one day reuniting with her was the only thing circling through my mind.

I fall onto my bed, staring at the ceiling with a huff, my eyes fall shut tight. I see tiny colorful stars fly around my eyelids before the world of black surrounds me.


I woke up with a hope, a thought that maybe there's more behind Maya's denial than I originally thought. I knew it was incredibly stupid and insane, but whoever didn't do anything for love aren't they the insane ones?

I walked down the corridors with almost a strut, a cheer in my step, I wasn't supposed to be happy yet my mind kept trying to convince me that there's something shady going on?

My gaze meets icicle blue eyes staring at me, my heart pounds through my ears. She diverted her eyes away from mine ad fast as she could, a look of depression upon her face.

Maybe I did have a chance.

I walk into the door of a locker as I wasn't looking where I was going. I rubbed my sore nose as I looked at Isadora.

"Do you know anyone you'd like to have a future relationship with?" My equally as genius friend asked, I looked over to her. There was only one woman I would ever want to fall in love with. I couldn't tell Isadora about my minds insane plan.

"Nope, I don't know a lot of females" I shrugged, and as if my life couldn't live without drama the high schools doors opening to a familiar face from California.

I felt my blood system stop working, my heart beat freezing and a cold sensation breathing down my spine forcing the tiny hairs to stand up at the back of my neck.

Oh shit, not her.

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