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I know been a few months since I've updated I'm so sorry. Life has been very hard recently with school and remaining relationships and I've tried to find energy and creativity to update. I apologize sincerely as I know a lot of people like my stories I've been trying hard for the people who've commented that they want more.


It's been a week since the incident. I've had my minds eye open to any possible suspects of who the persecuter who wrongly accused me could be.

I've been trying to take everything in with my family and trying to figure out my feelings for Maya it's felt like the world has been crushing down on me especially with someone spreading rumours about me.

I walk down the hall, getting those little judgemental stares you seem to get in high school whenever someone spoke about a fight being held at the back of the school.

I had enough of the stares, I couldn't wait until graduation showed it face. I decided to turn my attention elsewhere, listing off suspects of reporting me.

My eyes landed on Maya with her boyfriend, Monty's arm around her, I saw him tense at the sight of me, clenching his jaw. I wanted to laugh even with him thinking I could even be a potential candidate to ruin his life.

Could he have reported me? It would make sense right? I did threaten him about Maya a few times within my time knowing him, as he has done the same. 

I suddenly feel a slim arm wrap around my neck, Maya's eyes instantly turning away from me as the unknown person makes contact with me. I turn around and see Cherry, the girl I met in the bathroom yesterday.

I smile weakly at the female. "Hey Cherry, good morning." She returned the smile, letting go of me, and rocking on her tippy toes.

"I'm glad you remember my name, Farkle, oh, and a good morning to you too" She seemed preppy and more friendly then she did yesterday. Maybe because it was all so sudden and unexpected.

I smile, gesturing a hand out and she took it gladly, "We didn't have a proper meeting before, it's nice to meet you" I said politely.

"I can say the same... So is that girl over there you're ex?" The dark haired girl inquired. Her attention slightly facing Maya.

"In a matter of speaking, I guess" I shrug not wanting to delve right into the topic of Maya only a few feet away from the very girl. I start walking down the hall, away from the blonde girl in question.

"Are you still in love with her?" Cherry asked curiously, following me behind with her eyebrow raised.

I was about to tell her without realizing, I had to stop myself. I was so comfortable talking to the shorter female that I almost spilled my feelings. "Wouldn't you like to know." I stated, opening my locker.

Cherry leaned against the locker next to mine, looking at me with a serious expression. "I do. Love is a important thing, it's something that's worth fighting for and when someone is left with a unrequited love it's the worst thing that someone can experience." She said pain deep within her in her voice.

"You say that as if you have past experience." I state, grabbing my books from my locker and turning towards the dark haired girl.

"Well when you like girls yourself it's a little hard to find people who don't just string you along for the ultimate rejection" she sighed sadly,  Eyebrows frowned at she looked at her feet.

"I'm sorry to hear that" I stated truthfully, closing my locker. "Listen, from what I know of you already. You're awesome and any girl would be lucky to go out with you." I smiled at the short female.

Her back straightened as she looked at me, eyes with a soft gaze. "Thanks Farkle, that means a lot" she smiled.

"I'll see you after class?" I questioned with an eyebrow rose. She laughed softly nodding as she walked off towards her friends waiting behind me.

I looked over towards Maya, her gaze slightly faced me with slight sadness in her expression as she made her way passed me. Maybe this wouldn't be as hard as I thought.

My attention is grasped behind the next set of lockers, a mop of brown hair quickly hiding behind a classroom door. A stalker maybe? Just a shy person wanting to be invisible like I've wanted once before? ... The persecuter?

I slowly step towards towards the classroom before the bell rings, a small group of teenage boys laughing as they walked out,  walking opposite direction I was suppose to go.

It was curious but I can't suspect every person that I see lurking behind a corner thinking they were only out to get me.

Unless... It was a group effort not just one person? I pull my jumper around me slightly, shaking my head as I walked to class. The principal said that one student was constantly reporting about me. this was one student that really had it out for me. 

It could be that boy that hid behind the group of others, he was gazing my way and when I saw him he tried to scatter, suspicious. Somewhere inside me wanted to believe that this was Monty's doing and I would show the lengths that he would go just to get me out of her life. Maybe it was true.... Maybe it wasn't. 

Maybe he's more decent then I believe, he's just not the guy for someone like Maya. If I had a say in the matter I would want to say I'm the guy for her but being selfish like that is a stretch, the world has it's ways.  

When class ended I needed some time by myself so I started walking though the halls towards the back entrance. The sound of a squeaky door getting my immediate attention, before a flood of thoughts could fly around in my head my arm was being pulled inside a room. 

The door, the only source of light escaping me, darkness spreading around me. I wasn't the only one in here, I heard someone else breathing.

someone was behind me. 

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