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Kaneki had left and Hide and I were at the table. I had a plan. "Let's follow him," I told Hide, getting up from the table. "Come on!"

Hide looked at me as if I was crazy and then shook his head. "You do that on your own," Hide said. I sighed, walking away. I had to know what Kaneki was up to. I walked across the block and alas I found Kaneki. It was night time and he was walking around suspiciously. I then saw him turn to the next street and I followed behind him, hiding behind things so he wouldn't see me.

I then saw him stop outside of a store. A girl was standing outside and she was about my age. Kaneki then approached and she looked confused. I then saw them both talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Kaneki then whispered something in her ear and she smiled. He then began walking into an alleyway and she followed.

I walked behind them sneakily and then I saw Kaneki push the girl against a brick wall. My eyes widened as Kaneki took off his eyepatch, revealing his eye. It looked different from his regular eye and I had my suspicions.

I made sure to remain unseen as I watched Kaneki form a devilish smirk on his face. "I.. I can't control.. it!" He said, laughing maniacally.

I was frightened as I stared at him. The girl looked mortified as she walked to the left but Kaneki followed. I then felt a tap on my mshoulder and I turned around to see a tall man who had both of his eyes like Kaneki's. "You look delicious..." The man said, licking his lips.

A terrified look crossed my face as I was conflicted in what to do....

Kaneki x reader [TOKYO GHOUL]Where stories live. Discover now