Chapter 2

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Oliver's POV

Im the most powerful and ruthless alpha of the 'Red Moon Pack'. Im known as a heartless and the most feared alpha in the world. I have no mercy to my enemies, i really dont give a damn about what people say about me.

Im 24 years old and im still in search for my mate. I mean i may be rutless, stubborn and well feared but when i find my mate it will all change. Ill protect her from the rogues, damn those guys, ill cherish her, ill even be her guardian, ill love her endlessly.

They say when you find your mate you first smell her/his scent and ill know when he or she will be the one. My father David was the most feared and powerful alpha of all time. That all changed when he met my mother Madison and he completely fell for her even tho he was the most feared werewolf, she still loved him.

I wish that ill have the love of my parents. They love each other endlessly. And well i mean who wouldnt want a strong love.

My beta Michael is my best friend since we were kids, he's always there for me and me to him. He is the one guy friend i trust with all there is. When i became alpha, i chose him to be my beta. His mate was my sister named Casie. Now Casie is my little sister she is 19.

When Michael knew that Casie was his mate i couldnt deny their love. Because they were destined to be together besides i trust him with her. I love my sister but sometimes hse can be a pain in the ass.

Tomorrow the 'Blue Moon Pack' will be having a party because Nathan the son of the alpha White is gonna take his place. Yes they are my enemies, we are natural enemies since ancient times.

So basically im gonna "crash" their party besides they cant say anything to me.

"Im hungry Oli" my friend Michael said as we were driving.

"I know, me too but we have to pick up my sister YOUR mate in collage" yes my sister is in collage. Me and Michael will always drop her off and pick her up.

"Yeah i know, i miss her" he whined. Sigh the mate bond. The mate bond is the most powerful bond in a werewolf, once you find our soulmate you will be connected and you will have to mate her/him.

"Dude chill we're almost there". As i turned to the corner Casie's collage was on sight. "See there it is" i said as i parked my car. Soon Michael got off and just in time Casie went running to him .

"Babe i missed you so much" she said as she hugged my friend. I cleared my throat and she grinned "Of course i havent forgotten my big bro" she gave me a big hug.

"How was your day Casie" i said as went walked to the car. "It was okay i guess" she said as she interwine her fingers with Michael.

Im so happy for them i know its weird but i just am.

We went to the pack house and went to the house and my father greeted us "hey kids how are you" he said with a grin on his face. " It was super daddy"my sister said as she kissed his cheek.

My mom was cooking us dinner. She is humble and the most cared ex Luna in the pack. I loved my parents and my little sis.

Being an alpha is pretty cool but when you have chores as an alpha it can be a pain in the ass. Sometimes i get so stressed that i even shout at my sis for no good reason. Sometimes i can be short tempered.

Well as always being an alpha is having responsabilities and you have to protect your pack. My pack supports me and im kinda surprised that they even tolerate my mood swings.

Anyways i must take care of my chores before relaxing. I cant find myself lacking, i have to finish or else it will just be no good.

My sister and Michael are on the sofa watching TV and well im off to alpha duties.

After what it seems hours i finally got to finish my chores now i can relax. My sister was currently yelling at Michael for i dont know what reason. Probably she is PMSing.

"I hate you so much, i cant with you Mike" she said as she threw the pillow to Michael's face. Woah better save my friend.

"Woah woah hold on Casie" i said as i grabbed the control from her hand to prevent it going on my friends face. "I sometimes cant stand your friend Oliver". Oh boy when she uses my whole name then thats a problem.

"What did he do" i sighed as she pointed a finger at him, "he fucking changed the channel, its time where "Friends" show is on !" she yells at me. Fuck.

"Casie calm down ill think of some-" i got interupted but Casie's tantrums. "NOO! I WANT TO SEE FRIENDS NOW!!" She is giving me a headache now.

"CASIE! IF YOU DONT STOP SCREAMING ILL GET MAD AT YOU" i exploted on her face. She eventually calmed down.

Michael was silent plus sad that his mate was angry at him. What can i say the bond is too strong. "Im sorry Casie i didnt mean it" he said sadly.

Casie looked at him and her anger was vanished and was replaced with regret. "Shh its not your fault its just that im pmsing and ugh my lower back hurts and ugh" she covers her face and being to sob. Oh snap.

Michael run to her and embraced her and sat on the couch, well thats my cue to leave.

I went to my room and sat there thinking about many things like 'if i will ever find my mate' or 'would i be a good mate' but it all comes aways when i think to myself that no matter what my mate is , I swear ill protect her and love her endlessly.

I dont know when or how but i was greeted by sleepiness.

Austin Bulter is starring Oliver Davis!

Aww isnt Oliver a good man 😍

This is Oliver's life and how he thinks when he's the most feared alpha there is.

Dont forget to vote and follow me.

See you soon my cupcakes.


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