Chapter 3

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I sat outside Laura's office, trying to distract myself from the fact that my foster parents were inside the office currently signing papers to say they were no longer my legal guardians.

I read the posters on the walls as I waited, counting each minute as it went by. I picked at my nails chipping away the last bit of blue nail varnish I had on my thumb nail. I heard my father raising his voice, quickly followed by my mother telling him to calm down.

I was extremely grateful for everything they had done for me, even if I didn't show it at times. I had been with them with for about 4 years. They had taken me in at short notice and I truly did love them for letting me stay with them.

I jumped as I heard the door open and saw my foster parents come out the office. I stood up from my chair and gave my foster mother a hug. She began to sniff, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Goodbye Soph, keep in touch and stay out of trouble for goodness sakes!"

I smiled sadly as I wiped a tear from my cheek. My father was next.

"Goodbye Sophie" he said shifting awkwardly from one foot to another

I gave in and lunged forward, wrapping my arms around him. He hesitated and returned the hug resting his chin on my head. When we broke away I was certain I saw a tear in his eye but I couldn't be sure. With that they walked down the hallway and out of the building, leaving me and Laura alone outside her office.

Laura beckoned me inside and I sat down in a chair. I finally broke the silence by asking the question I had wanted to ask for a while.

"Well where am I going next?"

"London, there's a foster family there who have agreed to take you in"

I read Laura's expression instantly

"You're lying"

No one, not even Laura, could lie to me.

"Okay Sophie, you got took a lot of digging buttttt..... I found your father"

A/N: Apologies for a short chapter it seemed natural to end on a cliffhanger! Hope you're enjoying the story so far! Xx

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