Laurens's House, New York, USA

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"Hey, Laurens?" Alex said, looking down at the male, curled up against Alex's chest.

All Laurens did was make a noise that slightly resembled a 'hm'.

"Mind if my little brother stays over tonight?" Alex asked and at that moment, through the mirror's reflection, he saw disappointment creep up onto Laurens's face. "I mean, it's cool if he doesn't. I wouldn't want him to be impure or anything."

Alex attempted at a joke, but the male only nestled into his chest more, his face planted into it. God, Alex thought, he's adorable. Alex'd probably kiss him all over if John was in the mood - and hadn't planted himself into the torso of Alex. He mumbled a few muffled words that sounded like 'he can come'. Alex smiled, wrapped his arm around the male and then turned on the TV with the remote. Netflix wasn't bad, was it? I mean, sure it led to 'chill', but Alex didn't actually mind that. Plus, with the state of his boyfriend, it was a really unlikely thing.

Alex, still on Netflix, glanced looked down to John, who had now shifted into a position of which he could see whatever Alex was suggesting them to watch. John looked up to Alex, who had now looked up back at the TV. With one hand, he unbuttoned Alex's top button - only with intentions of helping breathe better (surrrreee) - and it made Alex go redder than a red chili pepper. I mean, we all know that Alex isn't pure enough to think John wasn't going to take his shirt off.

"We haven't even started the Netflix part yet, John," Hamilton joked, making John smile.

"I just like to get into things I suppose," John joked back.

"Is that so?" Hamilton asked, smirking as he put down the remote to the TV.

"Mhm," John said, cocking up one of his eyebrows just for a second.

~Time skip because I'm bad at writing smut ;)~

Alex's eyes flickered open, his head twitching a little at the unexpected bright light. He felt weight on his chest. Oh god, what had he and John gotten up to? He looked down: he had no shirt on, John's shirt was still on, but all of the button had been undone. He couldn't tell about his own, but John's fly had been purposefully brought down. Hair covered Hamilton's chest - it wasn't chest hair though, it was John's. His hair-tie had been taken out and thrown on the floor somewhere.

John was still sleeping - only light snores. Alex ran his fingers from John's hairline to the back of his head multiple times delicately to not disturb his boyfriend's slumber. When the boy rolled over onto his side, Alex thought John had awaken, but nope; he was only shifting positions. Since John probably wasn't going to awake anytime soon, Alex wrapped his arm around John (who was now laying on his side on top of Alex) and grabbed his phone with his free hand.

With his arm that was wrapped around John, he lightly caressed his cheek with his own index finger. He turned on his phone to see the messages he'd received from his younger brother. Flip, Alex thought, when was I supposed to pick him up? He glanced at the time and then noticed Phil had been home alone for longer than two hours. At the age of eleven.

Realizing this, Alex had to hold himself back from waking up John from his peaceful sleep. But, damn, Alex thought, John was so frickin' cute that he could-

He held himself back from thinking about anything more.

In the end, Alex just texted back to all of Philip's panicky messages: 'it's only a quarter of a kilometre can't u walk urself over?' Of to which Philip replied saying 'guess so'.

And with that, Alex fell asleep, his freckled boyfriend lying asleep on his chest. The warm atmosphere created between them filling up the room. The smell of John's cologne rubbing against Alex and mixing with the air.

Could life be any more perfect?

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