Burger King, New York, USA

122 6 3

The two fully-grown men sat, laughing into each other's shoulders. And, oh my god, you wouldn't believe the amount of odd looks they got. Hercules was resisting putting up the finger behind him with his hand as they aggressively made out in front of all of the homophobes - he didn't obviously. It was as if the two still fully-grown males were drunk off of their minds, when really, since Hercules had told Lafayette how much he loved him, they'd been messing around, being totally open - and it required no alcohol!

Hercules was hugging Lafayette loosely. Lafayette was laughing madly into Hercules's shoulder, his arm wrapped around Hercules whenever he wasn't being loosely hugged. They were laughing once, then made deep eye contact. Lafayette kissed him softly for a second or two and then broke off by laughing (laf-ing) and Hercules repeated. Ahh, fu- Hercules began to think, before Lafayette interrupted him.

"Don't you think my parents- err... dad'll disown me?" Lafayette asked, sitting normally and fidgeting with his hands.

Hercules smiled, leaning his chin on Lafayette's shoulder, "I have spare room in my be," Hercules flirted, smirking at the red colour vomiting from Lafayette's face. "Kidding, kidding. But it is a queen size, so there's plenty of room."

"Slayyyy, Queen," Lafayette teased jokingly, making Hercules laugh (laf) softly. "Damn, I love you."

"Love you too, Laffy Taffy," Hercules said.

Oh god - what if Hercules had come here drunk? If he wasn't calling Lafayette 'Laf' when he was drunk, he'd call him Laffy Taffy. Flip, now he had an excuse to call him that. Lafayette was gonna get revenge though - calling Hercules some dumb nickname. Hercules was saying some random bull-crap, allowing Lafayette to think on what nickname to call Hercules Mulligan - the man who apparently needed no introduction and when you knocked him down, he'd get back up again.

"...that, yeah?"

Lafayette darted back a little, confused and startled. "Sorry, what?"

Hercules grinned and quickly said, "nothing. It doesn't matter and I won't repeat, so don't pry." Lafayette frowned. "Don't be sad, Laffy Taffy! I mean, you're cute when you're sad, but you're sad so don't be sad."

"You said sad a lot there, Muffin Man," Lafayette said, smiling as Hercules darted back with a disturbed appearance.

"Muffin... Man? You're calling me... Muffin Man?" Hercules asked, raising an eyebrow. Lafayette didn't know if he was trying to get a few laughs or was being completely serious, but, either way, it made Lafayette grin. "Fu-" Hercules said, extending the 'u'.

"Ck." Lafeyette butted in. "No, seriously though, flip."


"That George guy is here," Lafayette said, jabbing a thumb at the blonde male sitting alone on top of one of the tall chairs.

He had one of those flimsy, cardboard crowns Burger King provides for customers and was sitting with his back leant diagonally as his left hand was hoisting up his face, pushing against his cheek and, it itself, was held up by the elbow. He seemed to be in a negative mood, anything under the category of negative really, as his mouth was curved into a frown and he'd taken one bite of a French fry. He was muttering some things under his breath - some of it was cursing; other bits were him contemplating all, and by that I mean most, of his life choices that lead him to wearing a cardboard crown in Burger King, sitting all alone in Burger King and not even eating the food he paid for. Well, he was a rich kid.

"Maybe I should just enrol at Columbia," he mumbled in his British voice. "Sam doesn't even like me, so why not go to the same school his stupid boyfriend's at."

Hercules and Lafayette made wide-eyed eye contact, "he'd gonna come to our school...?!" the two said in unison.

"He seems sad," Hercules obviously stated.

"I mean, if he gonna come to our school... we should probably become good friends with 'im," Lafayette said.



The two stood and then walked over, in hopes of his listening.

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