New York Botanical Garden, New York, USA

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Aaron and Theodosia walked hand in hand past sycamores and yews, children giving them looks as if to say 'you guys are weird'. It was normal for children to not understand romance Theodosia reassured Aaron, but it never seemed to have any effect on Aaron. He wasn't angry or anything however he couldn't help himself except make eye contact with the juveniles. Maybe that's the reason more kept staring; he was giving them attention.

Aaron finally looked forward and admired the elm's ahead. Aaron clenched Theodosia's hand harder than he already was. Judging by Theodosia's flinching, he panicked a little, let go of her hand and quickly apologised. He fidgeted with his hands before Theodosia smiled warmly and placed her hand atop of his. Aaron looked to her, smiling back and then wrapped his arm around Theodosia's waist.

"Theo?" Aaron asked, receiving a 'yes' from his lover. "Don't you think it's weird my sister has your same name?"

Theodosia chuckled a little, "no. Well- no. Not really." Theodosia was still warmly smiling, melting Aaron's heart.

"Like, if I introduced you to Theodosia at dinner and I said 'pass me the salt, Theodosia', you'd both reach, right?" Aaron asked, making small talk still.

Another chuckle from Theodosia, "I suppose we would," Theodosia said, her head now leaning on his shoulder.

Aaron laughed a little, looking at the ground for at most three seconds and his shoulders shook up for the duration he was looking. Theodosia laughed as well: there they were. Two complete idiots laughing over nothing in the public eye. They got more odd looks - more from adults this time. Damn, Aaron thought, she's the cutest person... ever.

Even her laugh was cute. Everything was cute. And her eyes, damn, don't get me started on her eyes, Aaron thought, and I'd kiss her all day.

"'Member when we wrote e-mails and texts to each other?" Aaron asked, laughing at his joking question.

"Remember when you sent me the link to your MySpace account? ADotBurr was it?" Theodosia laughed, making Aaron go wide-eyed.

"Oh no... Oh god no... The memories," Aaron said, not even trying to make Theodosia laugh, but doing so anyway. Then, Aaron decided to get revenge. "xoxo_TheeQueen_xoxo. Remember that caption 'anyone boys here lol?!?!'. Actually, I think I screen-capped that one my phone."

As Aaron reached for his phone, Theodosia yelled out, "No! Aaron, no!" Though she may have seemed angry at first, she was laughing and leaning on him.

Who cared if people were staring? They were having a good- no, great time, that's all that mattered.

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