The Woman He Loves (#5)

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This is for the woman he loves... now. For that one strong woman who bravely held all his broken pieces. This... is for you.

Take care of him. Please do. He's gone through a lot for the past years. He loved someone and built all of his being for that one girl but he was left alone in the end. He married that girl but their love wasn't just enough to make her stay. I was there to witness it all. I saw him weep every single day. I grew up seeing him tired and hopeless. I tried to fix him. I did. And he tried to be fixed. He said I was enough to keep him sane. But no matter how good he keeps on lying to me... i know he's not okay. He's fine but never been okay ever since that one woman he loved left him.

I tried to hold all of him but i can't. I ended up weeping with him because truth is we're both the same. We're both left alone. Alone and faking smiles. Faking laughter. Faking sanity and calmness just to avoid seeing eyes full of pity. How can someone fix someone if she's not even whole in the first place? I wanted so bad to lend the strength and the love he needs but how? How am i supposed to do that if I have been missing those too?

But he found you---no, you found him. You found us.

Little by little I saw him blooming like the man he was. His smiles and laughter became real. He's healing. Thank you. Thank you for bringing him out of the dark. He needs all the love and help. He needs you.

He never embraced me like that. He never took care of me like that. He never loved me like he loves you. But i understood why. I am the living reminder of the love he failed to keep forever. I am the scar--the one who reminded him the tragedy he's been through. But still... i understood why. Still... i love him.

Words couldn't cater me the perfection you deserve to hear. Thank you for loving him---us. Thank you for staying despite the brokenness that was so hard to put back together. You knew that you can never replace Mom but I just want to tell you... you don't need to replace someone. We're giving you the space in our hearts that you earned. Mom is dead but I know she's happy for us.

I love you... so does Dad.

Excerpt From The Book I Poured My Heart OnWhere stories live. Discover now