Chapter 8

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I arrived at Jason's house, and once I arrived he told me to sit down have some tea and 'chat'

"Lex" he sighs.

"What?" I reply a little too rudely. Only because I know what this conversation is about.

"So.. what are you going to do now that Louis' in town? He's here for a few months. At least that's what I heard."

"What do you think I should do?"

"I'm pretty sure that now that he's in town for a while, he's going to try to contact you. But, I think you should just try avoid him, I'd you do end up seeing him. Ignore him the same way, that he's been ignoring you for all these years. Not only you, but the kids as well."

"You can't tell me what I can and can't do Jason"

Jason is my older 25 year old brother. He absolutely despises Louis. Him and Louis use to get along pretty well. They would play football (soccer) almost every weekend. That's kinda how me and Louis met. Even though me and Louis went to the same school, we never really knew other. I met Louis because Jason use to me his Math Tutor, or science tutor. Or.. I don't know, he was his tutor in some subject. But now. He hates him for what he's done. He regrets ever tutoring him. Ever becoming friends with him. Because all that weren't to of happened me and Louis would've never been together.

"I know! But after all the pain and suffering that he put you through, you should put him through some pain too. At least. Even if that involves him not knowing who his kids are."

"I understand that you are mad at him for doing what he did, but can't you just try to forget about it and move on? I did why can't you?"

You haven't moved on, you're still grieving it about. After all these years you haven't moved on, so don't tell me to forget and move on when you haven't even done the same!"

"Whatever, I didn't come here for this" with that u got up from the table to go upstairs to find Andrew and Leah. When I'm at the foot of the stairs they're already running down with their coats on. "Ready to go?" They just nod their head. They must be tired. They're usually never this quiet.

"Kay kids, say bye to Uncle Jason."

"Bye Uncle Jason, bye." they both say at the same time. Whenever they do that, it's so cute. And trust me they do that often.

"Bye Jason. Thanks for taking care of the kids" I don't even wait for him to reply I just walk out the door. I'm extremely mad at Jason for what he said. He doesn't have the right. He has no idea how much his words hurt him. Maybe if it was even just by a little.

I couldn't tell him that I met up with Louis earlier that day, that I lied to him about having to do some business work with Dad. That would just makes that tiny anger that he has bow worse.

On my way I'm just thinking about the Twins birthday party. With both Louis and Jason being there things may not turn out so good.

A/N: So how was that? Thank you so much for all the reads! The Birthday Party should be in the next chapter. Oh! & don't forget to vote and comment.

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