Chapter 14

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I woke up with an arm rapped over my waist. Not just any arm, but Louis. What is he doing here?

How did I get here last night. Did Louis carry me up? Obviously he's laying down next to me. But still. That doesn't explain as to why he decided to sleep here instead of the guest room where he slept the night before.

Honestly, I don't remember falling asleep. All I remember is waiting for Louis to return from upstairs, but that never happened.

I walk into the bathroom and stare at my reflection. The girl looking back at me doesn't look much like me. Her eyes are red and puffy. She has tear stained cheeks. Bags under her eyes due to lack of sleep, hair a tangled mess. the last time that she has seen herself like this was the day after she told Louis about her pregnancy. She was hoping that she would never have to see herself like that again. Until now.

Once again, because of Louis.

The first time was because of him leaving, and then the second was him arriving.

I splash some water in my face to wake myself up, brush my teeth, and decide to head downstairs. when I enter the living room I see Leah watching TV.

"Hey Leah."

"Hi." She whispers. She may still be a bit mad about the events that occurred yesterday. I'm not entirely sure if I should talk to her about it or if I should wait until later. I mean they can wake up anytime soon and interrupt our conversation and make things awkward.

I decide against it.

Right when I was about to ask Leah what would she like for breakfast Louis walked in.

As soon as he does Leah diverts her attention to the TV, While Louis just looks down. I cant help but feel bad for him. Yet again this is practically his fault.

I want to talk about yesterday, but I just don't know how. And right now isn't the best time for that either. I continue looking at Louis, just watching him stand there. He looks so vulnerable. He catches me looking at him, and still I don't bother looking away. I just stare at him for a few more seconds before heading into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry." I look at him with confusion.

"Sorry for what?"

"For everything. For leaving. For not being there for you when you needed me the most. Helping you raise two kids who so also happen to be mine. Not contacting you over the years. For not being the parent that I should be. For causing you all this stress. The fight that happened between your brother a couple of days ago. He beat me up, but boy did I deserve it. I deserved that and much more. I'm sorry that you hate me, I'm also sorry for making my own daughter hate me as well, though I don't blame her. But most importantly I'm sorry for not being the man that you deserve! You can do so much better than me Lex. You can have any guy that you want. In High School guys were all over you, yet you chose me. I still don't understand why, but I'm glad you did. But now I 'am very sure that you happen to regret choosing me. I mean, I'm an asshole. What guy leaves their girlfriend after finding out that she is pregnant and not returning until years later? And when he finally does returns excepts everything to be okay, and act as if nothing happened. I know that you may never forgive me but at least give me the chance to be the dad that those kids need." He looks down as if he's ashamed.

"I already forgave you Louis.' He looks up at me shock.

"You did?"

"Yeah, long time ago. I forgave you years ago."

"Why?' He seems to be as confused as ever.

"Because I don't know your reasons behind for leaving. I don't know why you did what you did. For all I know there might've been a good reason behind it. That's why. That's why I couldn't stay mad at you, cause I don't know why."

"Would you like to know why."

"Yes Please."


A/N: There isn't much to say in this Authors note besides a huge Thank You for the reads. Over 100 reads since the last update 2 days ago. Which was within 24 hours. This chapter was just a short chapter to say Thank You.... Thank You!! I wrote the beginning of this chapter during English today, & um it didn't save :( so I had to start over..... -Vote & Comment. By the way this was written on my computer not my phone as usual.

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