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I shyly wander down the corridor, clutching my book close to my chest as students walk past me in blurs. I make my way to the lunch room, glancing around for an empty table, luckily there is one in the far back corner. Perfect. I make my way to the table and sit down, opening my book and reading.
Eventually lunch is over and I have to head to my next class, art. I enjoy art but sometimes the teacher picks on me for being so shy and nervous all the time. I don't mind too much though. He does it out of pure fun.
I sit and sketch in my notebook, drawing little things like butterflies and such, when someone walks up to me and sits across from me.
I don't recognize her, she must be new. She looks at me and smiles lightly, "Hey, I'm Jackie." She smiles and offers her hand for me to shake.
I shyly shake her hand, then look back down muttering, "I'm Lucy, nice too meet you."
She opens her sketch book, then looks at mine. "You know. You're a good drawer Lucy."
I nod shyly, and continue drawing, hearing this before but never believing it.
Eventually the hour is over and I quickly pack up, this being the last class for the day.
I start to rush out the door when Jackie grabs my shoulder, "Hey, we should hang out sometime. Okay?"
I huff slightly, but nod. "Yeah, sure...I guess" She smiles and nods, then bounds off. I make my way to my locker, not sure what to think of "Jackie". She seems like a polite girl, maybe a little energetic and talkative. But nice nonetheless.
After making my way to my locker I open it and put my books away, and grabbing my bag and coat.
"Hey Lucy!" I hear someone shout, I look over at where the voice came from, slightly puzzled. Then I see a medium sized girl, bounding over towards me with her curly red hair, Jackie. "Lucy, you should give me your phone number so we can talk outside of school and set up times to hang out!" She chirps happily.
I shrug and nod, exchanging numbers with her. This is the first actual phone number I have gotten that isn't a family member. "Well, uh, I have to go." I mutter quietly, and head for the bus stop.

~Hi, thanks for reading my book if you did ^^ I don't really know where this story is going, I'm just kind of writing what comes to mind. Sorry if this chapter seems kinda short >~< (also, that's a picture of Lucy at the top, and yes she has short hair, deal with it ^^)

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