waking up in a cell

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Nickoli pov

I wake up with a massive headache on a cold hard floor. Sitting up I see that I'm in a cell.

Standing up I touch the bars and immediately regret the action. Fuck! Silver. The bars are made of silver that's not fun. Holding my hands I look around and I see a few rogues growling and snarling at me. I also see Aries, Olivias uncle. I pick up a small rock and throw it at him.

He catches it immediately.
"I'm awake no need to throw things at me."

"Sorry didn't know. Why are we in here. How did we get in here?"

"Whatever. Well I suppose since we both let our wolves take control that's why we are in here. And most likely the guards took you and Olivia took me. "

"Ahh I see "


Looking to the creaking door two guards come in with plates full of food. I get one plate and Aries gets the other. They both leave.

"Hey! Can we leave!"

They turn around and look at both of us.

"Not until the alpha says so."

"Can you tell her to come see us?"

"She is with the children right now you have to wait."

They walk out and shut and lock the door behind them. I sit down and just pick at the food. I feel so lost without my mate.

*2 hours later*

I hear creaking door open again and I hear the most beautifulest voice in the world.

"How are you guys doing? I hope better?"

"Olivia come here and let me out."

"Yea me too!"

"Haha you guys calm down are you guys feeling better."

"Yes." We both grumbled out

"Good. Guards let them out pls."

The doors open and I run to my lovely mate hugging and kissing her. I pick her up and spin her around.

"I love you, I love you! Don't you ever leave my side again!"

"Don't let your wolf loose control like that again."

"Hmmm fine."

My mate is taken from me by her uncle picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder and walking out.

"Uncle put me down!!"

"Haha Ok."

I walk out behind them only to be faced with an army of wolves in a attack position. I look at Olivia and she's frozen to her spot. Looking beyond her I see him, her ex. The man that hurt her.

I watch him waiting for him to do something and finally he speaks.

"I told you I'll be back bitch!"


Hey you guys I hope you love chapter I know it's smaller then the others but I hope you all love it!

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