explain! part one

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Nickoli's pov

I can't believe what I'm hearing this man is insane! Olivia is my mate not his. And I will not share. I look to aries to explain everything!

I watch him sigh.

"Look Nickoli it's best if Olivia explains she made me swear not to tell a soul and to be honest I'd rather not be striked down my a lightning bolt for spilling the beans. But Eric is the only one that can save her."

"No absolutely not! I'm not going to let anyone get near her not even a fanger! How the hell did you get on the territory anyways!!"

I watch him smirk and snicker at me. That only makes my blood boil more.

"Well you should have more guards on duty and you should train them better. Because I just ran right past them. I might be a vampire but Olivia needs me and Aries is right she should tell you. But my blood will heal her. Unless if you want her to die."

I glare at him. Hating that he pulled that card. Damnit! I don't her to die but I don't want his blood in her system either. Arghhh this is so fucking hard.

"Fine you may give her your blood but I'm going to be in there the whole time and you will tell me the side affects that it will have on her."

"Ok. But in the room. Aries."

We all walk into the room and I watch him walk over to her and take the needle that was connected to the water bag and stick it into his arm. Watching as the blood flows from his arm into her body.

"Now tell me what is the side affects!"

"First you can stop yelling at me dog. And the side affects are strength, speed, her hormones will be higher........ Oh and she'll be having sex dreams of me."

My eyes turn black and before I can lung at him aries grabs me and slams me into the wall.

"Listen here, you will not harm him he is healing her and once she wakes up she will tell you but you will not force it out of her. Do you understand me!"

"Yes I understand."

He let's go if me and I growl at him. I slowly sit down next to Olivia holding her other hand. Waiting for any sign of her moving or waking up.


Hey everyone I know it's been a super long time since I updated but I've been busy this summer. I have to travel to 3 different states and it's alot of things. But once I get to Minneapolis I will update the second chapter to this one I promise!! Thank you for being patient. I love you all!!!

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