two pissed off alphas

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Olivias pov

Looking between my uncle and my mate was the most shocking moment ever. They were both red face, shaking with anger, and eyes pitch black. It was kind of scary to be completely honest. I've never seen no alpha this mad before in my life! I walk over to my mate and hug him trying to calm him down but nothing was working it's like he was to the point of no help.

He did hug me back but in a  squeezing you and never letting go type thing. I pulled away from him with much difficulty. He would not let go! But finally he did.

I back away from both and watch them both have melt down. They both were throwing things and tearing up the couches. Finally I called in my finest warriors and had both of them restrained.

They restraint my mate but my uncle is another story. He was thrashing and beating.

"Take my mate and put him in one of the cells! I'll take care of my uncle. Leave the room."

"Yes alpha!"

They do as I say and now I'm left alone with my uncle, one of the strongest, fearful alphas alive. I mean it takes about 18 of warrior wolves to take him down, but it only takes one of me to take him down.

I run at him jumping on his back as he thrashes around. I grab an injection from my pocket that I always keep with me just Incase.
Stabbing him in the neck with it, and injecting it he throws me off and I hit my back on the wall.

Standing up I watch him. He stumbles around a bit but stands up straight and turns towards me angrier then before. It's like his anger over powered the injection.

He runs at me and I jump over him I grab his shirt as I jump and pull him over my head, slamming him down on the floor. Grabbing his hair I slam his head into the ground a couple of times until he passes out.

"Sorry uncle."

Standing up, breathing heavily I grab his arm and drag him, I open the door and hand him to the guards that were waiting. They look I'm to the library and see a massive gapping hole in the ground. Shrugging they drag my uncle to the cells.

I walk up to my room and fall on the bed falling fast asleep.

Aries pov

Hearing her story and her talk in such a depressing voice was awful. I hated that she was feeling this way. I just wanted to rip his head off. No that's to quick I'll make it painful. My wolf Ortheus agreed with me we have to make him suffer.

For once Olivias mate and I agree. I really need to learn his name. We both agree he needs to die!

I feel Ortheus start to take control from thinking all these nasty thoughts. Finally I let him loose.

Nickoli pov

I wake up alone in the bed. I start to worry a little, I try to mindlink her but I get nothing back. Why would she cut off the link. Where is she.

Yes I'm over protective of my mate but I don't care what people think. I get up and put some shorts on. Following her scent down the hallway and to a big set of oak double doors.

Pushing open the door I come in and see my beautiful mate talking to her uncle. I really don't like him. He's an ass. I walk closer to hear what she's saying. And what I hear has my wolf Jason and I both really mad. When she finishes it's quite and I can't get it in any longer.

"I'll kill that fucker!"

They both turn around with shocked expressions. I see her uncle is shaking and his eye are changing from green to black to red.

The last thing I remember before my wolf took over was seeing my mates arms around me and pulling away. Then everything went red.


There you go another update. I'll try to update as soon as I can. I have finals this week.. yayy..... Not really. I hate finals. If you have any questions ask. I love you all

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