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Milo never talked about it again, until a new guy was introduced to his class, called Rei. When he first entered the class, Milo was surprised. The boy had a sophisticated air around him: his glasses made him look smart -smarter than most kids their age- and judging from the clothes he was wearing, he came from a rich family.

Milo wasn't sure what he should think of this new boy, weary of new things like everyone is, but he was sure to find out soon, as his teacher decided to give him a spot at the table right next to Milo's. As he walked in Milo's direction he found out that even the way Rei walked looked intellectual, with a raised head and straight steps. Although Milo wasn't easily impressed, this newcomer certainly seemed different from the other kids -in a good way.

Soon Milo had realised that the thing that made Rei seem so interesting and mysterious was the fact that he did an incredible job at shielding off his brain for a kid his age. Most kids couldn't contain their emotions that well and Milo always picked up large streams of inconsistent thought and memories from all around him. He guessed he also still had to learn how to block all of that unnecessary information from intruding his mind.

Of course, except when it came to Rei. Milo was intrigued by the boy and almost thanked the gods for that Miss Gazzan had decided to place Rei next to him. Surely now he would be able to find out more about the boy, maybe become friends with him and ultimately find out how and why he was able to shield off his mind so well. (Of course, in the end, all Milo wanted was to learn it himself too.)

The best way to become friends with someone was to start talking to them, right? Milo thought. So that's what he did. What could possibly go wrong?

"Hey, ehm, hi there, my name is Milo," he grinned slightly, trying to come across as smart to appeal to Rei.

"You don't have to engage in small-talk with me, your mind is like an open book to me. My parents taught me from a young age how to keep people outside my mind. It's not something I can teach you and even if I could, I probably still wouldn't," Rei stated with unchanged expression.

"I'm sorry," was all Milo could reply, feeling his cheeks redden as he realised that of course Rei had already picked up on his plan by reading his mind.

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