Twenty Two

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Milo's fingers started sweating slightly as he heard Logan whisper so close to his ear, and his swallowed hard. He couldn't sign anything back because Logan was holding his fingers, but if he could he wouldn't know what to say anyway.

When Milo's car crossed the finish line at last, Logan nuzzled the back of Milo's head with his nose and then let go of him, moving back and taking place next to Milo again. He picked up his controller and selected the next race.

"Are you going to win from me again?" He asked, a playful tone in his voice, and Milo nodded.

This time, it went a lot better. Milo didn't bump into everything, and he actually managed to control his car a little bit. Without Logan behind his back, pressing into him and whispering things into his ear, he could focus on the game a lot better. He still took his turns too slow and fell off the tracks more than he didn't, but he still became 12th eventually.

Frowning, Milo dropped his controller and looked at Logan. "I don't want to play this game anymore." He angrily signed at Logan, hating the way he couldn't just talk like him at times like these. With signing, it was almost impossible to express anger in your sentences, apart from frowning really hard.

"One more time?"


"For good luck?" Logan tried again, and Milo was starting to think he actually enjoyed seeing Milo so frustrated.

Figuring out something else, Milo picked up his controller again and hit Logan on the head with it.

"Okay, okay..." Logan laughed, rubbing the spot where Milo had hit him. He hadn't hit hard, but it still made a good statement.

"Let's do something else than." Logan said, and Milo nodded eagerly.

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