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The next couple of weeks flew by, the middays really growing hot and sweaty while the students raced through their final weeks of school. It was hectic, Milo found he didn't have time to think about Logan all the time anymore, and it was tiring.

He had never spent this amount of time on his homework than during these final weeks, but when he stood up from his last exam he found it had been worth it. Not only did his hard work pay off by graduating with distinction, he also finally knew what he wanted to do after school.

Milo was going to become a pilot.

It had briefly crossed his mind before, but it was always more a fantasy than something he would actually be able to do. But now he had been accepted due to his school results, and his fantasy would become reality.

It was one of the best schools on the planet, and Milo gave it his all. Even if it was difficult, he spent every hour of the day if he had to on his assignments, because he knew in the back of his mind that becoming a pilot brought him so much closer to Logan than he had ever thought possible. If he knew how to locate him, he could visit him. He could meet him.

If he worked hard enough, if he studied and he paid attention, his life might get turned around forever. He couldn't really see it just yet, but he knew that when dreams became reality nothing would ever be the same.

In class he learned the entire stellar system by heart, the stars, the planets, the constellations, everything. It wasn't anything like Eli's story "Out Of This World", but Milo felt the exact same way as her. He wanted to fly spaceships and travel endless amount of light-years in just a few minutes. He wanted to become an astronaut, but hopefully he didn't have to sneak up to a spaceship like in the story. He would have his own spaceship.

Milo was so obsessed with space, that even when he wasn't busy with anything, he spent entire nights reading planet descriptions, fascinated by all the different sorts and species. For example;

Lyca IV; a small, toxic planet in the 'Lyca system'. Circulates around the Lyca suns 4 times a year (counting in Musca years). There is only one form of life able to survive, and that is the Arcyllis grass, which covers the entire planet in big waves of red. The tall grass doesn't die as the planet doesn't know winters and summers, and it is approximately 300 centimetres high (counting in universal measurements). Visited once by dr. Kaux Verghei, who landed his aircraft but, unfortunately, never returned.


Earth; a green and blue planet in the relatively small 'Solar system'. Population similar to ours, but small differences are distinguishable. Light and dark skin/hair colours as well as a various range in eye colour. The species is able to produce sound from their mouths, and they do not appear to have a mind-reading ability, nor do they have wings. Their technology allows them to communicate with one another from different places, using small, undefined products. This technology is however limited to their own planet, and they have never been able to communicate with the life forms around them. Their 'ozone' doesn't allow them to look upon every planet, and so some planets, like ours, remain hidden from their sight. Visited regularly by various travellers and hitchhikers, although never longer than a few days. Planet seems harmless but isolated and therefore difficult to understand. Further inspection is in progress using our newly developed planet-gazers.

Milo read and read and read, turning the pages until deep in the night when his eyes drooped and his head felt heavy. Reading about these planets made his fingers tingle with curiosity, and he couldn't wait to operate a spaceship himself.

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