Twenty Four

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Logan's finger pressed against his cheek and Milo could feel his heart speeding up. Softly, Logan wiped away a little drop of cake batter from Milo's face. It was just cake batter, and Milo felt stupid for thinking like this, but it felt like a whole lot more.

"I'm sorry..." Logan whispered, retracting his hand and wiping the batter on his in flour covered jeans. "I shouldn't have don-"

Milo shook his head, cutting him off and he didn't know why he did that, and he also didn't have anything else to say so when Logan started looking at him, waiting for him to say something, he just stares blankly at the wall and let his face heat up until he was blushing hard.

Hesitatingly, Logan reached up one hand to stroke Milo's cheek again, and he was one hundred percent sure there wasn't anything on there, but he just let it happen and even leaned in a little.

Logan also leaned in, a little more than expected. And the hand that was resting on his cheek moved to his hair, and slowly tangled in the brown strands.

Everything was happening so fast but so slow at the same time, and the world around them didn't exist anymore. There was only Logan. Only the boy Milo had fallen in love with so long ago, when he was young and still so much of a naive teenager. But his alien boy who was so far away was the only one who had stuck with him through all his years on Musca, until he traveled further than thought possible, to visit him. The boy that saved his life had his hand tangled in Milo's hair and before he even knew it, Logan's lips were on his.

Logan's lips were soft and the hand in his hair started tugging a little bit, but Milo was frozen in place, making him unable to kiss back like he wanted to do so badly.

Then suddenly, the feeling of Logan's lips on his own was gone, and he realised Logan had moved back.

Opening his eyes in shock, Milo could barely stop himself from falling over, but luckily managed to edge backwards just in time. He looked at Logan with big eyes, wondering why he had stopped kissing him, when everything that had happened in those few seconds came falling down.

They had kissed. It had been just a kiss, but God Damn, it was a kiss.

Milo couldn't process the things that were happening all of a sudden, because thoughts swirled through his head like a tornado and he became dizzy, having to close his eyes in order to calm down.

He didn't realise Logan was talking until he opened his eyes again.

"...shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry I keep doing things-"

The thoughts in Milo's head hadn't settled, and he was still panicking a little, but when he heard Logan talk like this, he wouldn't let everything that he ever wished for escape him just like that.

In a moment of braveness, he raised his hands up to Logan's face, tightly wrapped them around his neck and pulled him forward. Their lips collided roughly, Milo almost angrily moving them against Logan's, and when Logan kissed back just as hard, Milo felt a warmth in his stomach.

There was open mouthed kissing, and a lot of tongue so rough it probably looked far from beautiful, but neither gave a damn. They were stuck in their own world, bodies curling around one another and the spaces in between got smaller and smaller until their chests were flushed together, Logan's fingers woven into Milo's curling strands of hair and Milo' s arms wrapped around Logan's back.

They were running out of air, and they absolutely didn't want to stop kissing, but they simply had to. Panting, they looked at one another once again, and both noticing the grin on the other's face, they started laughing.

"Should've done that a long time ago..." Logan said in between his laughs, and Milo can only connect their lips again for another kiss.  

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