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"The red button is for emergencies, luckily I never had to use it before." Milo walked around his ship, Logan trailing behind him with big eyes. There wasn't that much space inside, but it was big enough for the two of them.

"These three handles are for steering, and this one is for speed," Milo signed and pointed at the black button in front of him. "It's easy."

"So... this really is your spaceship?" Logan asked, his eyes still wide from shock and he looked around the inside of Milo's ship.

"Of course it is." Milo stood up and smiled at Logan. "Do you like it?"

Logan didn't answer. "You really are from another planet."

"I told you yesterday, silly! But you just didn't believe me." Milo smiled hesitatingly, and looked at Logan with expectant eyes. He really hoped he wasn't going to laugh at him again like he did before.

"You..." Logan swallowed and his blue eyes made contact with Milo's brown ones. "You're an A-Alien?"

"If you insist, I'm really just another species. In fact, you're the alien to me!"  

"B-But you... you look just like me?" Logan hesitated, and Milo felt his eyes scan over his body.

Logan had a point, Milo had to admit. On the outside Milo looked like any other human. He had two arms, a face in the same position and he could walk just like Logan could. He had seen worse.

But Milo was different. He couldn't talk like Logan could, and his skin was brown, just like his hair and his eyes. Everyone on his planet had brown features, unlike Logan, whose skin was light and he had blue eyes. On top of that-

"Would you like to see my wings?"

"Your what?"

"My wings!" Milo signed, as he began taking off Logan's jacket he could lend.

"You have... wings?" Logan had lost the ability to blink all of a sudden and Milo scrunched his nose up. He looked utterly adorable like that.

Milo let his jacket fall to the floor and keeping a good eye on Logan and his movements, he swiftly took off his shirt. It was a bit cold inside the ship, without a shirt, but Milo managed. His blood was full of adrenaline.

"What are you doing?' Logan managed to croak out, but Milo didn't bother to answer because he was turning around. The two large tattoos on his back and upper arms came in Logan's view, and Milo could hear him suck in his breath. He smiled, he was so proud of his wings.

Stretching his arms above his head, Milo took a deep breath and closed his eyes. It had been a while since he'd used his wings. Slowly, Milo's wings peeled themselves off of his shoulders and started fluttering in the air. A small smile appeared on Milo's face, and then he lifted himself off the ground. At the sound of his wings Milo couldn't hear Logan swallowing hard, but as soon as he turned around with his feet some inches above the ground, he saw Logan's stunned look and let out another laugh.

"What do you think?" He signed, his hands a little sloppy while hovering in the air, but Logan opened his mouth and stammered some words all the same.

"I-I don't know...but it's beautiful."

A blush spread on Milo's cheeks as he heard that. Logan was stood on the floor a few inches beneath him, and when a leap of faith hit him, Milo started flying towards him. His eyes were focussed on Logan's blue ones, so he didn't see everything that surrounded them, and just as he was only a couple of inches away, a sharp pain rushed through his body and his knees hit the floor hard.

His shoulder had hit the sharp point of a cupboard. There was no blood, but as his wings stilled, Milo could already see a dark red spot forming a bruise underneath his skin.

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