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A little while later, Milo had ended up in a quieter place of London. Only a few people were crossing the road, and the loud noises were distant buzzes now. Milo could finally think.

He pulled Logan's portrait from his pocket and looked at the back, where his directions were scribbled. It must be somewhere close, but Milo had no idea where to start looking.

These streets didn't look like houses at all; the bright neon lights that burned Milo's eyes couldn't be homes of people, right? Milo frowned and walked on, occasionally looking down at Logan's picture again.

Just as he wanted to give up and walk into another part of town, another kind of sound that was new to him distracted him. It wasn't the annoying kind of sound, like the cars rushing by or a lot of people all raising their voices. It was enjoyable, the high and low sounds in a smooth rhythm. Milo slowly turned around to face the sound he was hearing, and his eyes met a small, bright shop.

Several big instruments, wooden with strings or big black boxes, stood by the front windows, and the pleasant sound Milo still couldn't identify filled the streets. As he got drawn closer and closer to it, the sounds got louder, but this time Milo didn't feel the need to cover his ears. He liked the sounds this time, and when he took the final steps into the store, he had completely forgotten about Logan's picture in his pocket.

A small bell rang when he entered, and Milo looked up. It was a small and cosy store, couches and chairs huddled together in one corner to represent a living room, with rugs over the parts of the floor that were visible, and there was almost no place to move as there were tables and racks with what appeared to be 'CDs' and 'vinyl' everywhere.

Headphones were scattered around, with about three people using them to listen to something.

Curiously, Milo walked over to one of the tables with CDs, and took some out. The reflective discs took Milo's breath away, and he only grew more curious when seeing them. What did they contain?

Narrowing his eyes, Milo looked at one of the other visitors, and studied them carefully. The woman had one of the headphones on, and connected to that was a long cable.

When Milo followed the cable with his eyes, he saw that it was plugged into a big black box, and Milo furrowed his brows. Where was the disc? Did she use it at all?

Answering his question, the woman stood up from her place and walked over to the black box, where she clicked on a button that ejaculated the small disc from it. She pulled it slowly out, and placed it back into it's case.

Figuring you had to put the CD in the big box, Milo walked over to an unoccupied one and carefully slid in the disc he was holding. Then he once again, followed the cable that was attached to it with his eyes, and picked up the connected headphones. With his eyes wide from concentration and his mouth a little hung open, he did exactly what the woman did just before. He put the headphones over his ears.

A sound that gave him goose bumps filled his ears, and Milo bit his lip. This sound was a lot more energetic than the sound he heard outside, and because of the headphones it appeared to be playing inside his head. It was overwhelming, and Milo promptly sat down on the floor to concentrate better.

The beat was fast and the notes were high and the whole sound sparked with energy, Milo unconsciously started bobbing his head to it. It gave him shivers all over, and when he closed his eyes the sound seemed to bet only more intense.

The sound consumed him entirely, it pulled him under and he loved it. He hadn't heard anything like this before, but now that he had he felt like he had missed something essential all his life. He smiled and bowed his head down so he could get lost even further than before. Up until a point where he had forgotten all about the world around him, and the store he was in and the other people inside the store, and that's why he was so shocked when someone tapped his shoulder.

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