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Bright light shining upon his face woke Milo up the next morning. Waking up in different settings every day really didn't do Milo any good, but soon he remember where he was. He was in Logan's house, in his living room, on his couch and Logan was standing topless in the kitchen, making breakfast.

"Good morning, Milo," Logan greeted with a tired smile.

"Morning," Milo signed back.

"I have a day off today, as it's sunday, so what would you like to do?" Logan asked while shaking something in a bowl.

"I want to go to my spaceship, I don't have food anymore," Milo replied.

"Milo, you can have some cereal too, I wouldn't have let you starve to death!" Logan responded giggling, while pouring a white liquid into the bowl.

"And besides, where even is that so-called spaceship of yours?" he added sceptically.

"Holland Park"

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