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Some time later, Logan had explained the taste of the 'cherry coke' the best way he could, but when the two drinks arrived and Milo took an experimental sip, he still nearly choked on it. It prickled, the bubbles exploding in his mouth, and it completely caught him unguarded.

Logan let out a loud laugh, and Milo glared at him, the sweet taste of presumably cherry still on his tongue. He took another sip, this time prepared for the bubbles, and actually tried to drink it like a normal person. The taste felt unnatural; too chemical for some reason, and his teeth gritted horribly even if he only bit down a little bit. His mother would absolutely not approve of this drink.

Secretly, he liked it. The sweet taste made him think of Logan somehow, and he took another sip. Logan was still studying him, intrigued by his reaction.

"Do you like it?" He asked with a smile playing on his face.

"Kind of..." Milo signed, but he grinned widely at Logan nevertheless.

That evening Logan had Milo taste countless of foods, from spaghetti to spicey chicken, strawberries to lemon cakes and chocolate. By the time they were finished Milo was tired from eating, but the grin plastered on his face wouldn't go away. They walked out hand in hand, and Milo tried to steal glances countless of times even though Logan noticed every time.

"It's late. I wouldn't go back to the park if I were you," Logan said, looking away from Milo. "You could sleep at mine again?"

Milo nodded and thought back of when he was in Logan's apartment. He became a little nervous thinking about that, but then he remembered Logan didn't exactly invite him that time. This time he did, so it would most definitely be a lot less awkward.

When they walked the all too familiar road to Logan's apartment, Milo didn't once let go of Logan's hand. In fact, when it got colder and Milo's shoulders started shaking, Logan threw not only his jacket over his shoulders, but his arm too. Cuddled up in Logan's embrace, they crossed the last road and entered the building. Logan's apartment was almost at the top, so they climbed the stairs, Logan almost pulling Milo up in the end.

"Don't laugh," Milo signed, and rested his hands on his knees, panting heavily. Logan bit his lip, obviously holding in his laugh, and grabbed his key from his pocket.

He opened the door and Milo walked in after him, he quickly glanced into the bedroom, and his cheeks heated up. "I'll sleep on the couch again," he signed, but Logan stared at him like he had lost his mind.

"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch!" Logan gently picked up his coat from Milo's shoulders. "My bed it big enough for the two of us, you really don't have to worry."

"I don't want to be-"

"You're not a bother!" Logan's two hands found Milo's shoulders and he looked at Milo with that smile again that caused Milo to fall in love with him even more. "You're sleeping in my bed. Period," Logan stated, and Milo blushed.

Logan must have noticed, but he didn't let it show. Instead, he led Milo to his bedroom and dug around in his wardrobe until he had found an appropriate shirt for Milo to use as pyjamas.

"I'll... I'll just turn around," Logan whispered, and Milo nodded. Milo turned around too, just to be sure, and carefully took his shirt off. He wasn't used to wearing tight clothing like this, tight around his shoulders and restraining his wings more than usual. Stretching his arms above his head and moving his shoulders in circles, he let his wings come off his shoulders for a second. It calmed him down.

In that moment, Logan heard the sound of Milo's wings from behind his back, and couldn't help turn around. His eyes fell on Milo, his bare back facing him and his wings hovering loosely around his body. They were beautiful. Translucent, with splatters of gold all over. Logan stared, unashamed, and his eyes followed the delicate nerves of Milo's wings. They looked so fragile, but so strong too. Logan couldn't take his eyes off.

Only when Milo pulled Logan's shirt over his head in a quick motion and turned around again, Logan froze and stuttered an apology

"I-I I'm sorry..." His eyes widened and he quickly looked away, the guilt written all over his face. To his surprise, Milo smiled at him, and held his hands up.

"Can I use your bathroom?"

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