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"I am not lost. I came looking for you, I found you." Milo signed, and the expression on Logan's face got more complicated every time Milo signed another word.

"F-For me?" Logan pointed at himself with widened eyes, and Milo nodded frantically.

"Why did you come looking for me?"

"This photo. A long time ago I received it through my solaris." Logan frowned. "A data reader. The data I received translated into this picture, along with your coordinates.

"When I saw you," Milo was signing faster now, his hands almost sloppy from excitement, "you were extraordinary. I had never seen eyes and hair like you have, skin like you have, and you were always smiling at me. Every since I have this photo with me I wanted to meet you, so I became a pilot. I flew here so I could find you, Logan. I'm in lo-"

"You became a pilot because of me?"

"Of course."

"I don't understand..." Logan stepped back, and it took all of Milo's concentration not to take a step closer to Logan. "I'm not that special."

"You are to me."

"Milo... I don't even know you yet." Logan's voice sounded off and Milo's cheerful smile fell. Didn't Logan think he was special too? The idea of an alien was so special to Milo, why wasn't it special here? Of did Logan simply not believe him? Milo didn't know.

"I'm sorry, but I have to get back to work now." Logan said, and walked away from Milo.

Milo watched Logan do his work, lifting heavy boxes full of cd's and cleaning up the tables. The shop must be closing soon, Milo thought as he stood there. He really didn't know what to do now. He had found Logan, but what after? He couldn't go back. Logan had made Milo into who he was today, and he needed to know that. He needed to know how much he meant for Milo.

I don't even know you yet

The sentence kept repeating itself inside Milo's head as he watched Logan.

I don't even know you

It was as if Milo's world could collapse around him any second. What if Logan meant he didn't want to get to know Milo? That he hated him? Sure, an alien was something you didn't see every day, but maybe humans hated them? Maybe Milo wasn't meant to be on this planet. Maybe Logan wanted to have nothing to do with Milo.

A light tap on Milo's shoulder sent him back to where he was standing with a gasp, and he turned around. An unknown girl with light brown hair and green eyes stared at him with a smile that was a little too bright.

"Hi, we're closing, so I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She said, and Milo nodded. With his eyes searching for Logan, but finding nothing, he made his way to the door and stepped outside. Things couldn't get worse, but he didn't leave. He couldn't just give up on Logan because the shop was closing. If the shop was closing Logan must be done with working soon, so he would have time to talk, right?

don't even know you

The annoying sentence was still ringing through his head, and it wouldn't go away no matter what Milo did.

I don't even know you yet

Milo sighed and sat down on the pavement, his eyes on the now dark shop. He would wait for Logan, no matter how hard his head was screaming to give up. Maybe the sentence wasn't too bad after all.

There was movement on the side of the shop, and Milo heard two people talking. Turning around Milo saw two familiar faces, and his eyes widened.

I don't even know you yet

Repeating the sentence one more time, Milo noticed something he hadn't before. Yet. the word was short and seemed unimportant, but it suddenly gave Milo hope.

Looking up, he saw Logan was staring at him and when they made eye contact they both started blushing. The corners of Milo's mouth turned up, and then the most unexpected thing happened.

Logan smiled back at him, and his eyes glowed in the moonlight. Milo walked up to Logan, and threw aside every insecurity he had about him before.

Logan's colleague walked away as they had said their goodbyes and Logan shifted his attention completely to Milo.

"Why were you still sitting outside?" Logan questioned, "It's starting to get cold very soon and you don't even have a jacket with you."

"I was waiting for you," Milo signed back as his heart ached a bit at what Logan said. Obviously he was worried about Milo!

A loud sigh emitted from Logan's mouth and he turned his head away from Milo's, seemingly looking at a spot right beside it. He rubbed at his temples and with another sigh he reluctantly stated "Look, Milo. I understand that you probably don't mean any harm, but we are still strangers so I would appreciate if you wouldn't act like we know each other."

"But I do know you, Lo-"

"No, you don't, Milo. For some reason, you have a picture of me, but that doesn't mean you know me. You know what I look like, but you don't know what I am like."

Logan's voice started to sound more and more frustrated with every word he said and Milo started to feel more desperate as the conversation went on. Did Logan not like him after all? On the other side, he had clearly seen a blush on his face when they locked eyes and he did sound worried about him when asking about him still being outside. He felt so confused and didn't know what to say.

When Milo didn't reply, Logan turned slightly away from him and started to leave with a small "See you later, Milo."

No. No, Logan couldn't be leaving him here on his own, in this city he didn't know. Logan knew he wasn't from here, right? It really looked like Logan was leaving him here, though, and Milo felt helplessness welling up inside of him. He wanted to shout after him, but figured that maybe wouldn't be the best plan.

Logan had told him "See you later!", but what did later exactly mean? Could it be that he wanted Milo to follow him and see him at his house? It seemed logical in Milo's head and he didn't have many other options left (as he didn't know how to get back to his spaceship) so he just went with it. Out of precaution, in the case Logan didn't want to see him just yet, he kept his distance. Although, not so far off he could lose sight of the red mop of hair that grew on Logan's head.

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