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Sometimes it was hard not losing Logan in the big crowds of people heading home after work or shopping, but after a while they went to a much quieter area of London and it was easier for Milo to see where Logan was going. He really hoped he didn't look suspicious to anyone as he didn't want to embarrass himself any further and he didn't want Logan to find out his plan.

Logan walked up the stairs to one of many doors in a large building and opened the door to get inside. Much to his disapproval, Milo had now lost sight of Logan, but he guessed this had to be his home.

Slowly he neared the building as he saw lights being turned on one by one and he could make out the silhouette of Logan against the curtains. Even like this, Logan still looked beautiful. There was a small stroke of plants in front of the building and Milo decided to hide between them for a while. In the mean time he could observe Logan and figure out what would be a good time to knock on his door to let him he was here.

Logan's shadow was mesmerizing and Milo felt he could look at it for ages, just walking around, doing nothing in particular. Since Milo had no idea of how the time on earth worked, he could have sat in front of Logan's house for minutes or hours, he didn't know. However, when the sky was completely black, Milo was alarmed when he saw the lights in Logan's house getting dark again.

Quickly he went to Logan's door and knocked on it as hard as he could. Logan definitely had to hear him, he couldn't just leave Milo here outside his door. That was when a loud thumping was heard, along with the sound of keys turning in the lock and the door opened.

"Who is-" Logan's grumpy voice said and then stopped when he saw Milo standing in front of his door.

A look of complete shock and surprise was written on his face and for a moment he couldn't bring out a word so he just stared at Milo.

He swiftly regained his composure, but stammered "Milo? What are you doing here? Have you followed me home? Oh my god, Milo."

"Don't you want me here?" Milo signed, half surprised, half on the edge of tearing up.

"Milo, I told you already-"

Logan stopped halfway through, when he noticed the tears streaming down Milo's face. It was a scenario he thought would only happen in movies and television series: a mute boy he barely knew was standing on the steps of his door, crying and he had no idea what to do.

Milo felt a hand softly pressing on his shoulder, followed by a soft voice saying "Okay, why don't you come in for a bit, I'll make you some tea and you tell me exactly what is going on."

He was through the hall of Logan's house, up the stairs and was now sitting on the sofa in the living room, while Logan was making him tea in the kitchen. During his training on Musca, Milo had learned about humans using the warm liquid as a setting to create socializing events. Some kinds even had a calming nature and Milo was sure he could use some of that now.

By the time Logan came back with the tea, his tears had dried and he felt somewhat less miserable, but he was still hiccupping. Logan handed him the cup and the warm exterior felt nice to Milo's hands.

"Be careful, it's still pretty hot and I don't want you to burn your throat on it," Logan said with a small smile.

Milo shot him a grateful smile back and started blowing on the liquid to cool it down.

"Why did you follow me home, Milo?" Logan started reluctantly, afraid to scare Milo away.

"I don't know. I just- I just don't have any other place to go to," he signed back, his face falling.

"Why didn't you tell me you were homeless, then?" Logan questioned.

"I am not. I have a home, but not on earth."

Logan sighed for what felt the millionth time today and said "You really won't let go of that story, huh?"

"IT'S TRUE!" Milo wanted to shout, when he remembered it didn't work that way for Logan so instead he just shot Logan a pleading look.

"Look, this goes in against everything people have ever told me about strangers, but I'll let you sleep here on the couch tonight."

"We'll figure things out in the morning," he continued, "and maybe we could even find that spaceship of yours" he added jokingly.

In return Logan received a signed "thank you" from Milo, followed by a glare.

Logan walked up the stairs and after Milo had finished his tea, he laid down on the couch. It took a while for him to finally fall asleep, today's adventures playing vividly through his mind. He couldn't remember a day where he had felt this terrible and even in his dreams his embarrassing moments in the underground and the miscommunication with Logan wouldn't stop following him.

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