Chapter 1

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  Callie was walking out of school when her best friend, Alex, came up to her and said," Hey weirdo." Callie pretended to be hurt and she said," Excuse me? I'm not a are." Alex shook his head and said," I'm gonna lose this argument." Callie laughed and nodded in response. " So my house or your house today," Alex asked taking his keys off of his belt loop. Callie shrugged but then cut her own thought off," Wait, my house. I need to do my history homework and my notes are in my room." Alex chuckled and said," Same old Callie."
The minute Callie and Alex were in her house, Alex said," I'm going to grab something to eat." " Pig," Callie shouted as she went upstairs to go to her room. A few minutes later, Alex entered Callie's room with a sandwich. He sat next to her and asked," What you doing?" As he took a bite out of the sandwich Callie said," Trying to do my history homework. Now do you mind not getting your crumbs on it." Alex took a big bite of the sandwich, causing more crumbs to fall on her paper. Callie huffed and said," Really?" Alex wiped his mouth and said with food in his mouth," Yep." Callie took the sandwich from him and took a bite out of it. Alex swallowed and said," Hey! That's mine." " I wanted some," Callie said while putting the sandwich back down on the plate. Alex chuckled and Callie said," What's so funny?" " You got some mayo on your face." Callie wiped the sides of her mouth and asked," Did I get it?" Alex shook his head and said," No." He scooted closer to her and wiped it off of her face. Alex enjoyed the closeness of them, but Callie wasn't sure how to react. Alex had always had a crush on Callie ever since they started hanging out, but he was always too nervous to make a move. He thought to himself, ' Do it now.' With that thought he started leaning in. Callie was confused and wasn't sure if he was going to kiss her or not. Once he got close enough to where his lips were practically hovering over her's, Callie closed her eyes. Hesitantly, he kissed her, feeling sparks shoot up his body. He was going to kiss her again but he heard Lena come in the house and shout," Cal I'm home!" Alex quickly pulled away leaving Callie speechless. " Lena is home," he said. Callie nodded and yelled back," Upstairs!" Lena came up the stairs and entered Callie's room. " Oh Alex, your here. Could you go to the living room real quick? I need to talk to Callie for a minute," Lena said when she noticed Alex sitting next to Callie. He started to stand up, but Callie pulled him back down by his arm and said," Whatever you need to say to me, he can hear it too." Lena sighed and said," Fine. So recently I've met this amazing women and we've been video chatting and met up a few times. I know I should have told you this sooner, but we're moving in two days." Callie's eyes shot open and she said," What?! Moving?" Lena nodded and continued," I received a job offering as a vice principal over there so I will be making better money." " Where are we moving to," Callie asked. Lena straitened out her sleeves and said," San Diego." " In California," Alex asked hoping it wasn't that. " Yes," Lena answered. Callie had tears in her eyes and she said," I can't believe we have to move. I just got used to living here a few months ago and now I'm going to a whole new place." Lena was going to say something, but Callie ran out the door before she could. Alex looked at Lena and as if she knew what he was thinking, she nodded and he went after Callie. " Cal," Alex shouted after her. Callie walked out of the house, followed be Alex. Alex ran faster and said," Can you slow down for just a minute?" Callie stopped and said," No I can't because I'm being forced to leave the only state I have ever known." Aden embraced Callie in a hug and said in a soothing tone," I know." When they pulled away Alex said," Don't worry though, I will visit all the time and you can visit me." Callie smiled and said," You're the first real friend I ever had." Alex's smile dimmed and he said," Yeah." Callie sighed and said," Look, I don't fully know how I feel about you in that way yet. I'm sorry, maybe we could try later on. If I move back." Alex took a deep breath and confessed," I love you." Callie was thrown way off and for some reason her protective side came out," No you don't. Stop trying to make it sound like you have real feelings for me because you don't. Just leave me alone." Callie stepped away from Alex and went inside her house, leaving him heart broken.
  Callie entered her room and instantly started packing up her stuff. She grabbed clothes and just shoved them into boxes, not caring to fold them or not. She picked up a picture and when she flipped it over there was a picture of her when she was nine on Christmas with her mom and dad. Callie felt hot tears falling down her face and she threw it on the floor. She then went into her bag and got out a blade. ' I told myself I would stop, but I can't stop. The world hates me,' Callie thought as she slid it across her wrist. The pain made her arm burn but she needed to feel something other than what she was feeling. Once more she did it and she sat there watching the cut bleed. When she finished she cleaned her blade and put it back in her bag. Then she put a band-aid over her cuts and then changed her shirt, so that her cuts wouldn't show.

So this is a new book of mine (obviously lol). Don't worry I'm not ending Foster Brother I just felt like making this. Should I continue with this story or not? Please let me know your thoughts!
- Em💖
P.s. Since I can't figure out how to do a cast I will show pics instead. Here is Alex (aka Mathew Daddario)

 Here is Alex (aka Mathew Daddario)

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Loving my step-brother: Brallie AU Where stories live. Discover now