Chapter 23

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Brandon's POV

"Brandon!" My head turned to see Jesus walking up to me with Nick. Once they got to me, Jesus continued, "Halloween party tonight at Nick's place. Make sure to invite everyone you know."

" Yeah, it's going to be huge," Nick added.

After school, I called Callie to invite her to the party. I wasn't sure if I should invite Mariana because, in all honesty, she isn't my favorite person. After three rings, Callie picked up. "Hey, B, what's up?"

" Callie, hey. My friends are throwing a Halloween party tonight, and I wanted to invite you." I rubbed the back of my neck, a habit I have when I'm anxious or nervous.

I heard shuffling for a few seconds, then she asnwered. " Sure, I'll be there."

A smile formed on my face as I replied, " Okay, great! I'll see you tonight at eight. Love y-" I cut myself off. We didn't normally exchange "I love you"s casually. Only on special moments.

" Brandon," she paused. She grew silent for a fee seconds, and I felt like I had just messed everything up. Until she spoke. " I love you too." One thing I'll never get tired of is hearing those three words come from Callie. She had the power to make my stomach do flips.

I hung up, feeling good about myself. Callie was the light to my darkness, the sun to my moon. I could go on and on, but my point is pretty clear. I love her to death. Little did I know that tonight would test our relationship worse than it ever has...

Callie's POV

Alex drove me and Mariana to the party. I invited Alex and Mariana overheard, so she invited herself. Which I don't really mind because as long as she stays away from Brandon, it's all good. I don't hate Mariana, but she can intrude at times.

I was wearing a black crop top, netting tights, black heels, and cat ears with my hair in a high pony tail.

Mariana was wearing a short, tight, red dress, red high heels, and devil horns with her hair down and curled.

Alex was dressed as a police officer. He was very simple with his costumes because, well, he wasn't very creative.

When we entered the party, I was hit with the scent of alcohol and sweat. I looked around to see people dancing, making out, and drinking with the exception of some getting high. "Gross." I mumbled to myself.

Mariana grabbed Alex's arm, dragging him into the crowd of sweaty bodies. I looked around in hopes of seeing Brandon, but I bad no luck.

I felt someone come up from behind me, place his hands on my hips, and whisper seductively, " Hey, baby." I turned my head to see some guy that I slightly recognized from around school.

" Let go of me," I said, slightly intimidated.

He let out a soft chuckle and started kissing my neck. " I just want to have some fun with a sexy babe like you." My stomach turned in disgust as he continued to kiss my neck in attempt of turning me on.

" Hey, dick fuck, get the hell away from her." Next thing I knew, I was pulled away from him and a girl I had never seen before kicked him in the balls. He fell to the ground, moaning in pain. " Go shove your dick in someone e ho wants your stds."

" Crazy bitch!" He yelled as she walked up to me.

She was really pretty. She had shoulder length, blonde hair and was dressed up as Minnie Mouse. " I'm sorry that ass was hitting on you. I'm Lexa." She held out her hand for me to shake it.

I took it a shook hands with her. "Callie."

" Callie. What school do you go to?"

Brandon walked up to us and asked, "Where have you been? I've been looking for you all night."

" Nearly raped, no thanks to you." I crossed my arms, annoyed that he wasn't there when I needed him.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. " Why are you so pissy?"

" Because, Brandon! A guy was trying to get in my pants at a party you invited me to, and you weren't there for me!"

" Oh, so this is my fault? Well why don't you learn to stop dressing like a slut and maybe guys won't go after you!" Did he just- did he call me a slut?

I felt anger and hurt boil inside of me like water on a stove. " You know what, Brandon? Maybe we shouldn't be together?! Since I'm such a slut."

By now, Lexa had stepped back to give us space. " If that's what you want, then fine. I don't need to date such a needy bitch." And then he walked away. He didn't apologize nor seem to feel bad for insulting me like that.

I was mad. No, I was furious. How dare he treat me like that. I stormed over to where the beers were and started chugging. One drink turned into two, then three, four, five, six and so on. I needed to clear my head. I needed to get drunk.

Soon, I felt the alcohol kick in and I felt like there was not a care in the world. I felt relaxed and free. Nothing could compare to this feeling.

" Callie? Callie, is that you?" I turned around to see non other than Zack. My brain told me to run, but the alcohol in me made me decide otherwise.

" Zachary Corton." He smiled the same devilish smile of his. The o me that I knew meant he was looking to get something from me. And I knew what it was.

He was checking me out. From my boobs to my ass. " Why don't we talk upstairs. We have so much catching up to do."

If I was sober, i would have said no. But for some reason, I just giggled and followed him into a spare room upstairs. I walked in, but froze the minute I heard the door shut and lock. " Why did you lock the door?"

" Let me tell you a story, Callie. Have a seat." He sat me down on the bed and continued. " One year ago you ruined my life. After you found out about me and Sarah, you couldn't just keep it to yourself. No, you had to tell the whole school what a dirty guy I was. So no girl would date me. I then made a promise to myself that I would find you, and I would make you pay. So this is payback you worthless bitch." Then he slapped me. In an instant, I felt nearly completely sober.

Before I had a chance to react, he ripped my shirt off and took off my pants. " Zack, please don't. I-I'm sorry." But he didn't listen. He quickly took his clothes off, then mine. I tried fighting back, but I was weak from all the alcohol.

He pinned me to the bed and when I tried to scream for help, he slapped me again. " If you scream, I will kill you." That was enough to shut me up. Soon enough, I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. As he raped me I felt a little bit of me slowly fade. And the whole time Brandon's words kept replaying in my head. "Slut". I hated that word, but I suppose that's what I am.

*not edited*

So a bit of a dark chapter. Don't hate me. I have a purpose for it. So Brandon said some harsh things. Yikes. I hope you guys like this chapter. Please vote and comment!!
- Em💖

Loving my step-brother: Brallie AU Where stories live. Discover now