Callie lived in Texas her whole life and was adopted by Lena when she was 15. Her life changed when Lena announced that she had met someone, Stef, and they were going to move to San Diego since Lena got a job offering as a vice princ...
You guys should know who the actor is for this, but if you don't no worries (David Lambert). Okay now here's the story...
Brandon's POV
Ugh, yesterday sucked. I was a complete idiot going through Callie's stuff. I really wish I could apologize to her, but I doubt she would ever forgive me. I glanced over at my clock and realized that it's almost six thirty! Shit. I quickly got out of bed and took the fastest shower ever. Once I finally finished getting ready, I ran down stairs and grabbed my car keys off the table. I was about to leave when my mom said," Hey B can I talk to you for a moment?" I sighed in annoyance and said," Sure." " Today is Callie's first day at school, and I was wondering if you could show her around," my mom said with her coffee in her hand. I knew saying no would make this conversation last longer, so I said," Uh yeah sure. I got to go." I didn't even wait for her response. I ran out the door and rushed to school.
Callie's POV
This school is nothing like my old one. This one was practically on a beach! I made sure to wear long sleeves today to let my cuts heal, hopefully they don't scar too badly. I got really rude looks from about everyone here. " Callie! Hey," I heard Brandon call out. I did not want to talk to him, so I said," Do you mind leaving me be for once?" Even though he looked super adorable with that bed head (I could tell he was running late today) I still thought he was an ass. He looked around and then back at me and said," Do you need help finding your way around?" " Why? Are you going to search through my backpack for my schedule to see all my classes," I asked while pretending to be concerned that he actually would. He looked down as if he was ashamed of what he did, and said," Look, can we forget about yesterday and move on?" I walked closer to him and said," Not likely." With that I walked past him, making sure to bump his shoulder hard with mine as I pass. The day was pretty boring, not much happened at all. For some reason I didn't see Brandon after this morning, not that I cared. It was lunch and I really didn't have any where to sit. Until this blond girl came up to me and said," Hey, you're new aren't you?" I was about to come back with a rude remark, but I decided against it. " Yeah I am." The girl gave me a smile and stuck out her hand. " I'm Cara." " Callie," I said, not accepting her offer of a hand shake. Cara pulled her hand back and seemed to shake it off like I hadn't just offered her or something. " Do you want to sit with me and my friends?" I thought about it...no I didn't want to at all. Again I tried my best to be polite and replied," No thanks." She gave me a fake smile and said," Okay. Welcome to Anchor Beach!"
Brandon's POV
I pretty much avoided Callie all day. There is no way to get through to that girl! Oh well. I slammed my locker shut. Why do I care if she likes me or not? " Woah, baby don't go slamming your locker," my girlfriend Cara said. I know I should feel bad about caring about Callie and thinking she's beautiful and all that since I have a girlfriend, but to be completely honest we both are only dating each other for the sex. " Sorry, I was just lost in thought." She smiled and said," What kind of thoughts? Were they about me?" I wish, then I could think strait and not give a damn about Callie. I returned the smile best I could and said," Of coarse." We started walking together and I laced our hands together. " So have you met that new girl," Cara asks me. I don't want her to worry or anything so I lie," No I haven't." " Good. She is a bitch," I was shocked by her comment. Sure Callie seems that way but I can tell it has more meaning than just not liking people in general. I tried to seem oblivious as I asked," Was she rude to you?" She shook her head," No she wasn't. She was just...fake I guess." This confused me even more," Then how is she a bitch?" " Because she is," Cara said as it was the most obvious thing in the world. I decided not to get into this conversation too much," Okay well then forget her." Of coarse Cara had to add more to this," I heard that she is the new vice principle's daughter." I stopped walking and said," I'm not going to keep on talking about Callie! I'm your boyfriend and we shouldn't be talking about other people." She seemed pissed by this. She crossed her arms and said," I never said her name was Callie." I mentally cursed at myself for not being more careful with my wording. I was going to explain but Cara said," You know what, forget it. Call me when your ready to be my boyfriend and stop lying to me." As she walked away I sighed to myself. Whenever I make Cara mad, I always have to call her and we end up having make up sex. Personally, I don't feel like having sex tonight so I will make up with her later. I saw Callie out of the corner of my eye. I knew Lena was going to give her a ride home but I needed to clear the air between us.
Callie's POV
I heard Brandon call my name and I was going to ignore him, but he was already in front of me. " What?" He looked over at Lena's car and then at me and said," You're going on a ride with me." I scoffed and said," Excuse me? No I'm not." " I'm an ass for looking through your stuff, I admit it. Please let me show you around San Diego since it's kind of my fault for pissing you off yesterday," he said. I gave him an offended look and he seemed to instantly notice that and he corrected himself," I mean it was my fault for pissing you off." Maybe he wasn't such an ass after all. I don't know, but I guess I will go along with whatever he has planned," Okay." He looked surprised and said for clarification," Really?" " Yes. Show me this place that everyone seems to love," I said with a sigh. He smiled really big. God, his smile is really adorable. " You are going to love this," he said as he pulled out his keys.
Thoughts on this chapter? (The next chapter will be Brandon showing Callie around and other stuff) oh this is Cara (Sasha Pieterse) by the way
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What do you think of her character? Please let me know in the comments! Thanks for reading! - Em💖