Chapter 10

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Callie's POV

  After Brandon dropped me off I came inside my house and slammed the door. So many emotions filled me anger, hurt,...lo- no, no, no. No! There's no way on earth I'm in love with Brandon. But...could I be- no I'm not. I made up my mind. I started walking towards my room when Lena stopped me. " Where were you?"
  I pushed past her. " What does it matter to you?"
  I shut my bedroom door, and leaned against it. I slowly slid down it, feeling myself break the closer I got to the floor. I brought my knees up to my chest and clung to them. Warm tears started to stream down my cheeks. I'm an idiot. Why can't I just shut my emotions off and just feel...nothing?
  I noticed over in a corner there was a picture. I stood up and walked over to it with wobbly legs. I picked it up, and realized that this is the same picture from that box. I thought I put that thing in the attic! I looked at the picture. I noticed how happy my mom was. Mom. I miss her so much, but she'd be disappointed in the girl I've become.
  I heard a knock at my door, and then it opening. " Callie, are you okay?"
  I turned to look at Lena, and her eyes moved to the picture in my hand. " Sweetheart, come here." She opened up her arms for me to embrace her.
  I walked over to her, and when I got to her I just broke. More and more tears spilled from my eyes, and I let out a few whines and sniffles. " I may not know what you've been going through, but I would still appreciate you talking to me about it."
  When I pulled out of the hug she took the picture from me. Lena led me to my bed and we both sat down. She smiled at me. " Your mom would be so proud of you. I'm proud of you, Callie. Now, I know it hurts to think back to her, but you have to remember she wouldn't want you to shut down and cry. She'd want you to move on with your life, and by doing that you would make her proud."
  My crying finally slowed down enough for me to talk. " I feel like I'm just a disappointment, who just goes around destroying everything."
  " No Callie, you're the exact opposite. I'm proud to be your mom, and anyone who is blessed enough to know you would be proud to call you their friend."
  " I miss her so much." I stated, again. 
  " I know, I know. Please promise me you won't try hurting yourself again. I could barely handle it the second time. Don't let there be a third." She's right. I can't keep doing this. I have to stay and fight. " I promise."
  Lena stood up and said. " Good. Do you want to go down and watch a movie with me?"
  I looked at my hands. " I'll be down there in a minute."
  " Okay." Lena said, and left. 

Brandon's POV

  I layed on my bed thinking over everything I did that could have hurt Callie. I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone hurt her, and I did. I hate myself for that. I needed to clear my head, so I got up and sat down in front of my keyboard. I let my hand graze over it, feeling the cold keys.
  I closed my eyes, and started playing. No music sheet, just my emotions and anger coming out through my music. The melody started of slow, but as my emotions turned to anger they became faster and I pressed on the keyboard harder. Faster and faster I started playing. I became so frustrated and soon the notes turned into just random anything playing. More notes, and more anger. More notes, and more emotions. " B, stop!" Suddenly I felt myself being pulled away from the keyboard.
  Instantly, I broke into tears. " Stupid, stupid, stupid." I told myself in between sobs.
  " Hey, hey, by no means are you stupid Brandon." I heard my mom say, but I just shook my head, and continued saying the same thing over and over.
  I noticed she bent down to my level. I'm the ass that hurt her. I'm the ass who couldn't keep his damn feelings to himself. I'm the ass who ruins everything. " You are not an ass. What's got you so shaken up, love?"
  I hadn't realized I said that out loud. Who cares. Let the whole world know. I felt my mom wrap her arms around me, and she rubbed circles on my back. " Shhhh. It's okay B. Let it out."
  I pulled away. I shouldn't be comforted by my mom. What am I, twelve? " I'm fine mom."
  " You sure? 'Cause you didn't seem 'fine'."
  I nodded and she stood up. " Well, I'm going to get you some water."
  No, that's not what I need. I know what I need. I stood up. " I'm going to go somewhere."
  Not waiting for her response, I left the room.
  Stepping out of my car, I realized how terrified I was to do this. I started walking towards the door and, without knocking, I walked into the house. I stopped in the living room and made eye contact with her. " Oh, not that we don't mind you being here Brandon, but you could've knocked."
  I didn't respond, or show that I heard Lena at all. Callie stood up from the couch and ran over to me. She slammed into me, which made me stumble a bit, and wrapped her arms around my neck. I hugged back, and put my head in her shoulders. I heard Lena say. " I'll let you two talk."
  " I'm sorry Callie." I whispered in her ear.
  I felt her nodd, and hug me tighter. Nothing could make this moment any better. 

Lena's POV

  I was in my office doing some paper work, when Stef came in. " Hey, love."
  I looked up from my paper and gave her a warm and welcoming smile. She sat down in a chair and said. " I have had the most stressful day at work."
  " I'm sure you did." I said with a chuckle.
  " So I've been meaning to ask you, how would you feel about throwing a birthday party for Callie?" I asked while picturing the party that I had set in mind.
  " Oh, well I think that sounds lovely." Stef replied with a smile.
  " Great. I was thinking of inviting some of her friends from Texas, ooh and maybe have it a formal style." Stef gave me a questionable look.
  I tilted my head a bit. " What?"
  " Don't you think all this attention and everything might be too much on the girl?"
  " We're going to need a professional. I'll call Alex."

Short chapter, but I wanted to get the idea of Callie's birthday out! (Okay, okay. I know her birthday is in the summer, but this is different so yeah. Rn it's winter for them) anyway, what'd you guys think of Brandon emotional break down? Are they finally going to act on their feelings soon? Do you guys like Alex? Please let me know your thoughts.
- Em💖

Loving my step-brother: Brallie AU Where stories live. Discover now