Callie lived in Texas her whole life and was adopted by Lena when she was 15. Her life changed when Lena announced that she had met someone, Stef, and they were going to move to San Diego since Lena got a job offering as a vice princ...
I came downstairs this morning to find neither Stef or Lena in the kitchen. Then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, but to my disappointment, it was Brandon. "My mom had to be at the station early, and Lena had a meeting." " Cool." I said, going over to get something to eat for a "breakfast". Brandon followed me, and before I could grab the last fruit, he did. "Damn it, Brandon, that was mine." He bit into the apple, and pretended to inspect it. " Funny, I don't see your name on it." I reached over and grabbed it from him. I took a bite from the opposite side of his bite mark. " That has my germs on it. You might not want that." He said. " Oh please, I'm not afraid of your 'germs'." I stuck out my tongue and continued to eat the apple. " Crap, I have to leave if I want to make it on time to school." I said, realizing how late it was. Brandon grabbed his keys and backpack, then offered. " Let me drive you." " I don't know, that's kind of a friendship level and I'm not really your friend." Brandon rolled his eyes, and I knew what was coming next. " Callie, can you at least try and let me be nice? All you do is act bipolar all the time and I'm sick of it." " I don't know what you're talking about." I was trying to act as oblivious as possible. Brandon set his backpack down, meaning he was serious. " You kissed me and then blamed it on me! You're so frustrating, but I can't do anything about it because I love you." I was speechless. All I could do was stare at him in shock. This wasn't good at all. Stef and Lena are together, meaning there can't be an us. But then, without thinking, I said something I'd never thought I'd say to another person and mean it. " I love you too." My walls were down, I could try and put them back up, but that's hopeless. " I never actually thought you'd say that back to me..." He stated, clearly shocked. " I don't want you to be with Mariana. I want to be with you, and I want to be your girlfriend." Brandon didn't respond. Instead, he walked up to me, put his hands on my shoulders and kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back, wanting more. Then I remembered something. "School! Lena and Stef will kill us if we are late!" Brandon made a pouting face. "There goes our moment. I'll drive you."
After school, I offered Callie a ride home since Lena had to stay after school for another meeting. " So what is this?" I asked, while grabbing Callie's hand that was resting on her leg. " I want to be your girlfriend, but what about our parents? It seems unfair to do this to them." She had a point. Our moms are happy together. I glanced at Callie for a split second, before returning my eyes to the road. " What if I lived with my dad?" " No, I couldn't ask you to move just to be with me. Plus, where does your dad live?" Oh, I almost forgot. He had moved to Texas shortly after the divorce, years ago. " Texas." I heard a small laugh come from her, and then fade. " That would have worked perfectly, if I still lived in Texas." " Yeah. How about we just tell my mom and Lena and see where that goes?" I felt her tense up as I said that, causing me to slow down a bit and look over to her real quick to see if she was okay. " Then Lena won't want me anymore. Why would she want a daughter who ruined her relationship?" I never really thought Callie still l questioned how much Lena loves her. I gave her hand a quick squeeze to help reassure her. " Callie, it is obvious that Lena loves you. In all honesty, I think she'd choose you over Stef any day." Noticing we were really close to our house, Callie quickly said. " Okay, but could we do this tomorrow? I really want to fully process what I'm going to say to them." We pulled into the driveway, but even when the car stopped, neither of us got out. " Whatever happens, I'm fighting for this." Callie looked at me, and smiled. I knew that smile. That was the same smile she had when I played my piano. I never imagined she'd be this happy with me. " I recognize that amazing smile of yours. Do I really make you that happy?" " You do. I hate how I can't have my walls up around you." " Isn't that a good thing?" I asked, with a smirk. " I guess I'll have to get used to it."
The next morning, Saturday morning to be exact, was when we planned to tell them. I had no idea when we were doing this, but it's going to happen. I heard a knock at my door, then it opening. " Ready to do this?" I looked over to find Brandon, and this time I wasn't disappointed. " I guess." We both came down to find Stef and Lena making breakfast. Stef noticed us and smiled. " Good morning, loves. Me and Lena are just finishing up breakfast." " Actually, Mom, me and Callie need to talk to you two." I instantly felt my body tense all over. " Me and Callie are together." Stef's face instantly changed from friendly, to pure anger. " How could you two do this to us?! Did you think me and Lena would break up just for you to get together?!" " No, Stef-" " Don't you try talking to me you little bitch. You are screwing my son, and obviously felt like ruining my relationship!" This felt so unlike Stef, but all I could feel was fear, completely scared out of my skin. To my relief, Brandon started standing up for me. " Don't talk like that to her." " She has a point, Brandon." I couldn't belive Lena was agreeing with her. My own adoptive mom isn't standing up for me. " Lena, I want this girl out of my house before she ruins this family more. Plus, I don't want her with my son. " When I saw Lena nodd, all I could do was panic. " I'll call the social worker and have him take her back to Juvie." Instead of staying to hear more of this, I ran up to my room and locked my door. " This can't be happening." I said to myself. I started to struggle to breath and I felt sweat starting to form on my face. Soon my legs felt weak, and I tried to sit down on my bed, but instead of walking I blacked out and felt my head hit something. The world around me faded, and I felt myself wanting to give up. I think I'm dying. There was no point in staying any longer, so I gave into the darkness...
CLIFFHANGER! Did Callie die? Thoughts on this chapter? Also (If you guys haven't already seen it) there's a sneak peak of the next episode
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Thoughts on that? Another thing, if you guys haven'talready, please check out my Riverdale book called "Hey there, Juliet". It would mean the world to me if you guys read it! Until next update, bye! - Em💖