No More Pain...

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Harley P.O.V
I have been thinking since Joker came and saved me a few minutes ago. Jim has been taken out by a few henchmen and I can bet he is not gonna be alive after that. I have a choice to make and we both knew it. Stay with Joker, or leave him? I am not completely sure what choice I should choose because I do care for Joker but also I care about my safety. Joker is helping off the ground I can feel his arms as he carries me bridal style to the bed. As I am being set on the bed like as if I was glass I notice how soft the bed is. Joker puts me down and kneels in front of me, he pulls off his jacket that is hanging on his shoulders and wraps it around me like I am a scared cat in the rain. The jacket is leather, gold, shinny,  long enough to fit around my waist, Joker is wearing a nice red tux shirt that is only buttoned up to the 4th button. He is is not looking my face, his hair looks so perfect right now the green I'm his hair is so vivid. He has his hand on my knees, there are tears coming from my eyes. I cannot stop crying I want to just scream,to let out all the pain, but I am holding myself back. "It's okay if you want to leave." he says in such a soft voice like as to whisper it. I can't believe he said that I thought I was only meant to be his and he wouldn't ever give up on me. I was so wrong, "Wow!" I say mad, "So you have completely given up on me!" He finally looks up at me and see's the tears still coming from my eyes. "That's not what I said..." I interrupt before he can finish, "That is what you meant! You can't lie to me! I know you better then anyone else does! Don't pretend like you are trying to protect me, just tell me how you truly feel!" I scold at him. He looks at me with sorrow in his eyes, I turn my head as to not see those lying eyes. He breathes heavily then speaks, "I care, I truly do. But I don't want me to be your only opposition... I just think that since you stayed with me all these years that you would want to have one choice in the rest of your life. Thanks for playing with me all these years, but this time the only gift I have for you is your freedom." He smiled at the part where he thanked me, I put my hands on my face and begin to cry again but this time I let out all the pain that I have been holding in all these years. I start screaming in pain I can't stop crying and screaming. Joker looks up at me then wraps me in his arms once again this time though I fall. But he catches me, "You didn't let me fall." I finally manage to say. He just hugs me tighter every time I scream put for pain. The he leans forward to whisper something in my ear, "I will never let you fall." I cry more and let out a louder scream. I feel all the pain I've been hiding all these years, and he doesn't let me go we just stag there and we both know my decision.

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