Just A Day In

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Harley P.O.V:

*I am skipping to the next day guys. So here we go.*

Me and Joker had a very fun time last night and I feel like my normal self again. I just feel so happy and ready to wreak havoc *Have you heard of that song? It is good.* on Gotham. But today I just want to have a nice fun time with my guy. J is still asleep in bed while I am making breakfast. Many people think that I can't cook but I can. I love to cook, and I think the perfect wife would cook every meal for her husband. And even though me and J aren't married, yet, I still like to cook for him. I am amazing at cooking pancakes and easy things like that. I do make J eggs because he likes them, but I hate eggs. I like my eggs in a cake.

That is how it should be. But hey I want to make J proud to call me his so I will cook and clean or kill or even live for him. I love him soooo much and everyone knows that. I have finally finished the eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I think I want to bring it to him while he is sleeping but maybe he wouldn't like that. I start by putting the finishing touches to the plates and then I feel a muscular arm wrap around me waist. I smile at that, knowing who it is.

Joker: Hey doll. That smells so good.

Harley: Thank ya' J.

I begin to walk to the table and he just holds me in his arms the entire time. Soon when I have finished setting the table J lets me go and sits down to eat. I eat 4 small bites then I'm full. So I just watch J as he eats his meal.

Joker: Like what ya' see?

I nod aggressively and continue to watch him eat. After about a minute of silence he looks up from his plate and stares at my plate. Crap I forgot he doesn't like when I don't eat. I have starved myself before and sometimes I still do it. But J hates me starving myself, so he forces me to eat.

Joker: Harley...

Harley: Yes Puddin'?

I try to sound very innocent but I don't think it matters now.

Joker: You have to eat more.

Harley: But I am full.

I whine at him. He looks at me with anger in his eyes and I just look away so that I can't see his gaze.

Joker: Look at me!

I look back at him and he still is angry.

Joker: Now Harley you promised that you would eat more.

Harley: I am not hungry, that is all. I promise that.

That was part of the truth, the other part was him being right. But I don't want to say that today.

Joker: Don't you lie to me Harley Quinn. Remember who you belong to and who you tell everything to. Now Harley eat!

Harley: No. I am full and tired so I can't finish this.

Joker: Harley , baby, you know that you have to eat. I don't like it when you starve yourself.

Harley: J I am really okay.

Joker: Damnit Harley why can't you just eat!

He yells at me while he pounds a fist into the table. I shrink a little bit and then get ready for a smack to the face. But it doesn't come.

Joker: I worry about you baby. I hate that you do this to yourself.

Harley: I'm sorry J.

Joker: I know you are doll.

I smile at him and stand up to clear the table while J goes to get dressed. When I have finished the dishes J still hasn't come down yet. So I walk up to our bedroom and hear the shower still going. I walk into the bathroom quietly and see J still taking a shower. I take off all my clothing and then get into the shower. J notices and pulls me close to him.

Joker: Damn I missed your body.

Harley: Hahaha it was at the house the entire time.

Joker: I know but you wouldn't let me go near you. So I could never touch you.

I smile at him and then he kisses me passionately.

~Time Skip~

After this mornings shower even J left to do work. I haven't seen or heard from him in 8 hours. I am begging to get worried that Batman might have caught him. I really hope he is okay.

Joker P.O.V:

I have been gone for a while now still getting the present for Harley. Damn I spoil her WAY too much. I should stop buying her crap that she doesn't need.

3rd Person P.O.V:

Harley is at home all alone waiting for J to get back home. She was walking down the steps when 'BAM' everything went black. Harley woke up in a strange room, not exactly sure what had happened to her. Then a light turned on and she saw she was strapped to a chair. And there was some weird guy with green hair and orange skin. She was so scared about where she was and what the strange man might do to her. The man walked closer to her and she began to become more scared. He walked around her like a shark and when he finally stopped he was behind her. She could feel his cold breath on her neck. And then he licked the side of her jaw. She shivered in disgust.

She couldn't scream for help for some reason. She realised that she had a very dry throat. The man walked in front of her and the began to laugh like a creep.

Man: Hello hot stuff. My name is the Creeper. Hahaha. And today is your lucky day, because I have saved you from that monster of a man and now you're mine.

He grinned at her like a little perv. She couldn't look away something was strapped to her so she couldn't turn her head.


Joker arrived home after another few hours. He had told some of his men to start setting up a place for their pets. When Joker looked around the house for Harley he couldn't find her anywhere. Then he saw a sticky note on the fridge, it said

Your girl is mine now. And you can't do anything about it.-Creeper

Joker got pissed after reading the note. Then he hopped in one of his cars and had the henchman try to track down the Creeper.

~Back to Harley~

She is still tied up and she is struggling to get loose. The Creeper smiles at her then walks up to her and whispers in her ear.

Creeper: Oh you're so sexy when you're mad. Now let's have some real fun...

*Cliffhanger!! Lol what do you guys think so far? Also please leave comments. I was thinking about making my own contest but idk, what do you guys think?.*  

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